Angel Whispers – The Love Trine

Consider the subject of love. One version of love includes the transient emotion that we know as love. We feel love toward a person, an animal, or an activity, for example. The second version is the energy of love or something that fills us during unplanned moments of unexplained bliss. Third is divine love or the glue that bonds all matter in the Universe. Love is something that seems illusive. It’s mine in whatever form I choose, yet I cannot hold it or prove that it exists. (tee hee) On the other hand love is all yours, something you hold but cannot explain in words except for the way it makes you feel.

Love is a mysterious and powerful force, with undefined edges, unseen cracks, and limitless potential unbound by human arms. Love is personal. According to noted psychologist Robert Steinberg, there are three components of love connected to the transient emotion. The points of his triangle theory of love are passion (sexual or romantic attraction), intimacy (a deep sense of attachment, and a dynamic of sharing) and compassion (a willingness to not only maintain the relationship but also let it grow).

When all three elements exist and remain strong, it seems like the ideal love with the potential of a long-term commitment. Even after years together you enjoy great sex with each other, you are still each other’s best friends, and you never question your decision to be with each other. If there is not a committed partner, the same things apply. Do you enjoy your own company, are you a good friend to you, and are you comfortable being committed to your love for life without the need to find someone or something else? Let’s ask that question to the experts of love who form the loving light we call angels:

Incarnation offer the opportunity for the soul to inhabit the human body to slow down the speed of movement, as in stop and smell the roses. A three-dimensional world is an ideal environment to experience love in all forms, from seemingly small, insignificant moments to large awakenings. It is the aim of the soul to explore the depth of being in all levels of consciousness.

Human consciousness is always in motion, but human bodies are not perpetual motion machines. Mind, body, and spirit are uncommon containers that hold love in many forms while learning the lessons of the Earth through karma and other Universal Laws. A person’s time on Earth leaves an imprint of energy on the soul in the form of remembrance of a time when love was transcendent.

Love cannot be understood in linear terms. The greatest way to know love does not come from complete immersion without a variant. To truly know love is to experience separation from love. The absence of love is a darkness that motivates the strongest move toward light and illumination. We see the human trine as light, dark, and middle. The latter being the most natural state of harmony and ease, emergent, balanced, awakened, and free from attachment.

To love yourself without arrogance and free from unhealthy attachments gives the knowledge and wisdom needed to teach others how to love you. Start with accepting and forgiving yourself as you would any child who may have made a mistake and you will begin to heal the world.

Bring joy, ease suffering and create beauty, then dance like you mean it!
Blessings, Russell


“Love is made up of three unconditional properties in equal measure:

1. Acceptance
2. Understanding
3. Appreciation

Remove any one of the three and the triangle falls apart.

Vera Nazarian

 Angel Whispers – The Love Trine