Angel Whispers – Conscious Behavior

In psychology, behavior comprises an organism’s external reactions to its environment. Conscious is defined as aware of and responding to one’s surroundings. Conscious behavior represents who and what we are, while clearly indicating the direction we have chosen our life to take. The philosopher Ralph Waldo Emerson identified spontaneous behavior with the person’s soul: Behavior is the way of making confessions of who one really is. Human behavior, like that of other organisms, can be common, unusual, acceptable, or sometimes even shocking! (tee hee)

Behavior is the way of acting, reacting, or interacting with other objects, organisms, or with the environment. Most evaluate the acceptability of a given behavior using social norms, which usually leads to human behavior being regulated through some form of social control.

Human behavior can be conscious (aware) or unconscious (unaware or involuntary). Awareness is the foundation of conscious behavior, influenced by cognition or perception in producing a reaction to something in the environment. In psychology, the term awareness means the perception and cognitive reaction of an animal when a certain condition or event occurs. Unconscious behavior represents complex processes and impulses that surface to a level of conscious awareness, which some might conclude stem from tendencies or temperament. Let’s see if we can sort it out through a whisper on the subject:

Conscious behavior is a voluntary expression of growth and development. Trained actions and reactions are expressed from a perspective of ideal behavior in a way that takes dominion over passion. The spirit gains wisdom through shedding the ideas and conditioning imposed by society, conditions, and the environment. Using awareness, one can check their behavior through reasoning to create a voluntary response to the environment.

Using discernment with actions, results can be produced as achievements related to goals and objectives that represent core character. Career, relationships, activities, and interests can no longer control or form the behavior, but instead reveal the conscious acts generated from deep within the spirit.

Through conscious behavior, your journey shifts from seeking out new lands, new people, and new activities, to seeing life through new eyes. If the journey is guided by awareness and voluntary actions, what seemed like insurmountable obstacles before will quickly resolve under the weight of an emphatic strength of spirit and character.

Discernment is to question yourself, and discipline is to honor what you find when you inquire within. Your greatest gift is knowing how to create a vision that gives direction, creates discernment, and brings forward the discipline that leads to conscious behavior. Awareness is the resolution of internal conflict that allows for conscious behavior to manifest the greatest change.

Conscious behavior is your compass that points in a direction where the illuminated light of love will always lead the way through the darkness.

Bring joy, ease suffering and create beauty, then dance like you mean it!
Blessings, Russell

“The waves of probabilities collapse into a physical reality through observation by a conscious mind.”
― Ilchi Lee

 Angel Whispers – Conscious Behavior