Angel Whispers – Disillusion

Have you ever felt genuine excitement with a new job, new relationship, or new beginning, only to be let down because it isn’t turning out the way you had hoped? Disillusion refers to a feeling that arises from the discovery that something is not what you expected. Disillusionment can be more severe and traumatic than common disappointment, especially when a belief central to our identity is shown to be untrue or unfounded.

The experience of disillusion can reduce our sense of the meaning to life, as if everything we had hoped and dreamed of was false. A recent study at the University of Limerick explored the impact of nostalgia on disillusionment, and the results were promising. Reminiscing about the past can provide a new perspective that reduces the negative impact of disillusionment, according to the study.

Doesn’t it seem like our issues always begin in childhood? (tee hee) Most remember where we were and what they were doing when we found out Santa Claus wasn’t real and our parents had tricked us. But who broke the news? Was it the smart kid at school, our sibling, or did we catch our parents pretending to be Santa? How the bubble is burst and by whom can add to the trauma of being disillusioned. Many people are experiencing this in today’s world, so let’s get a whisper on the subject of disillusion:

Wisdom of the heart can manifest through a catalyst that changes beliefs. The things you hold as true can bring comfort and safety in moments that call for measures that will help you cope with life. Dynamic tension can give way to peace through the transformation process that begins in the light of truth. The internal conflict arising from the realization there is a flaw in the lens through which you view the world is a necessary part of growth and evolution.

The way you were led to truth can be an important feature of energy. A sudden evaporation of energy around a belief can be quite difficult to process, especially if it involves a special person, activity, or core belief. The world at large provides ample opportunity to feel let down, which can lead to cynicism, regrets, and negativity. Feeling disillusioned is the awareness that means it’s time to remember who you are. Fond memories of the past and a renewed look at your strengths and gifts can restore faith and confidence in the meaning in life.

An idealistic view of the world can be uplifting or defeating, depending on how your mind, heart, and spirit handle the energy. The key is grounding and taking healthy measure of balancing the ideal with the realities of life to manage your emotional energy. Life experiences can be energizing when the energy inside flows without restriction. Movement, gratitude, letting go, and avoiding taking everything as literal will help manage the energy.

Open the heart to divine love to give strength when facing obstacles, which will enhance your inherent bond to faith, confidence, the meaning of life, and the magic of creative energy. Abandon any unhealthy attachment to the beliefs imposed by others and see life as neither good nor bad. Embrace all aspects of the life you were born to live to give greater meaning to every experience.

Bring joy, ease suffering and create beauty, then dance like you mean it!
Blessings, Russell

“Disillusion in an ache that eats into the dreams of goodness, of love, of any value that matters – even to the very belief in life.” Anne Perry

 Angel Whispers – Disillusion