Angel Whispers – The End of a Decade

The most influential energies of 2019 included the end of a decade of spiritual transformation, endings, and looking at the things from the past we buried or refused to face. There was heightened energy around our passion that led to being easily triggered in love, work, relationships and every major aspect of life. These energies were non-linear pieces to a larger puzzle. On any given day, they could surface to create an impact large or small.

As a result, we saw many people of all ages transition. Divorce and separation from partners was a major theme. We experienced endings and all the grief that comes with closing the doors in any area of life. Some of these cosmic energies challenged the best of us to flow with them to become our best selves. Others swept us away in a river of emotions, which were not always the feel-good type. (hee hee)

Regardless of the response, I’m sure each one of us is a better person for having gone through the challenges. Next year may have some similar dynamics of influential energy as we enter the roaring twenties of the twenty-first century. This decade is now complete for my dedication to publishing one whisper every week for ten years,. Thanks for your support as a reader and your comments throughout the years. Now for your final whisper on the end of a decade:

Breathe in the new year and breathe out the end of this decade. With every deep inhale and full exhale, you can release the tension ushered in over time and refresh your system with life-giving energy. Each breath contains the life-force that every person needs to maintain balance and to thrive. Breath releases tension to refresh the energy body.

With the release of tension and stagnant energy, you can create space for the new beginnings at hand. As you rise to meet your evolved self, spiritual growth gained from the experiences of the past integrates to form the present self. With functional integration, you can say hello to your evolved self and goof-bye to the old self, old patterns, and the old way of being in the world,

Saying good-bye can bring grief, but within that energy you can find new beginnings. Grief is love with no place to go. This new decade brings valuable insights and avenues for your love to find an outlet with a new way of expressing. Gratitude and appreciation illuminates the path ahead and brings stability and strength to the entire system. Your focus on thankfulness gives your grief a space of expansion with a sense of resolution.

Focus on your goals for the coming year, will help with communication and manifestation. With clarity, you find it easier to remain aligned with your purpose and passion. Welcome the new energy of a new decade into your heart to know who you are how to express from a position of truth. Decide to be happy now and happiness will find you.

Bring joy, ease suffering and create beauty, then dance like you mean it!
Blessings, Russell

“When we get down to the very basics of human life we find that we arrive to take a ride on spaceship Earth for several decades and then we leave.”
Steven Magee

 Angel Whispers – The End of a Decade