Angel Whispers – Happy Place

In the movie Happy Gilmore, Happy’s golf coach taught him to relax into his game by taking a moment to go his ‘happy place’. For the central character (played by Adam Sandler) in the movie, his vision was one of himself in nature, sharing a drink with his girlfriend dressed in a negligee, with a midget circling on a tricycle (tee hee).

Everyone has experienced special moments in their life, whether it was a wedding, a vacation, something spiritual, time with family or friends, or a nature encounter. We find inspiration in many ways, but there are those special connections to divinity that often stick with us. When times are tough, the most positive person cannot always lift themselves with forced positivity. In place of simple measures, such as positive thinking or trying to be in the love and light, intentional processes better lift the vibe.

Intentions are the wisdom of the heart sending out communication to God, the Universe, or the greater power of love. When getting clarity about my intentions regarding a goal, I am relieving myself of energy directed at controlling the outcome. A slight shift designed to open my heart creates an opening to a better story than the one I just made up in mind (lol). We can easily manifest a self-fulfilling prophecy. Buddha was quoted as saying, “We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make the world.” Intentions can modify thoughts to bring more flexibility in order to manifest a result that exceeds my own expectations. It’s time for an angelic message that can move me toward my happy place:

Within human consciousness is a resonant frequency that holds memories of the mind (thoughts), memories of the body (feelings), and memories of the spirit (knowing). Often, one can experience memories of trauma that rise above the happiest of times. Healing and balance are the aim of the soul, so bringing the beauty of life to the surface often involves intent.

Think of creating intentional moments as a way to fill the potholes on the road of life, while shining a light ahead to better see the path. Connecting the energy of the heart with an objective in life can bring greater focus. Going to a happy place lifts the vibration with a dose of inspiration, like hitting a strike at the bowling alley. In that moment, you rolled the perfect line to your goal, which provided motivation through a reminder of why you play the game. Meditation is also helpful, as listening facilitates connection with divinity.

Thoughts of a happy place expand your energy. Continuous thoughts or focus on the challenges of life contract the energy. Going from an open-hearted embrace of the present moment to anxiety, fear, and depression is the product of an imbalance in the system. Intentional living with the occasional remembrance of the best life has offered can offset the struggles by placing you in the vortex of illumination. In that space, you can know who you are, your purpose, your mission, your priorities, why you came to Earth.

Human energy is a resource that must be cultivated in order to acquire higher levels of self-awareness. Curate love by establishing intentions and connecting to joy. Organizing energy eliminates the clutter and chaos. Truth is realized in your happy place.

Bring joy, ease suffering and create beauty, then dance like you mean it!
Blessings, Russell

An accumulation of a lifetime of memories does create a musical score that we can assess from an artistic if not scientific perspective. Each happy memory generates a beat of minor joy that when strung together form the musical notes demarking a person’s prosodic inner tune.”
Kilroy J. Oldster

 Angel Whispers – Happy Place