Angel Whispers – Non-Linear

I have noticed that many try to apply linear thoughts to non-linear applications (tee hee). Rarely does this work. In simple terms, non-linear describes an output that is not proportional to the input. Linear can describe an output that is always equal to the input. Another term for non-linear thinking is irregular, diffusive, or illogical. I might add to that list creative, curious, or out-of-the-box. Intuition is often a non-linear process drawing conclusions through divergence.

In a recent session, my client described her preference to lying down to a guided meditation with visual candy, as opposed to the challenging work she was doing with a therapist (ha ha). Sometimes we try to think ourselves through a complex issue. If that doesn’t work, we tend to think harder. Non-linear thinkers don’t work in a straight line or sequential manner. Instead, they make connections and draw conclusions from unrelated concepts or ideas. Both linear and non-linear thinking are integral to success in life, business, and relationships.

If you’re still having trouble grasping non-linear applications, it’s not your fault. Decades of research in cognitive psychology show the human mind struggles to understand non-linear terms and relationships. Our brain wants to make simple straight lines. Let’s draw a simple straight line to a whisper from an angel on the subject of non-linear:

Humans have reached the Aquarian Age. This is a time where the mind will merge with heart to find synchronicity through evolution over the span of a millennium. The way people think will change to a more elevated view and a new way of dealing with challenges, such as those currently experienced with a pandemic.

Traumatic experiences lead to a desire for safety and an increase in rational thinking. The goal of security lends itself to living in a bubble of isolation out of fear from the unknown. Within the comfort zone of limited contact, anxiety and depression can grow beyond anything a rational mind expects. The goal of safety becomes an illusion and a block in the energy body. Overthinking in linear terms around a process of healing can move a person into physical pain. Energy hitting blocks provides the physical tension that often adds to the strategy of withdrawal.

Imagination stimulates non-linear thinking, allowing the mind to roam into the regions of the heart. Counter-intuitive measures can open the channels of energy and take an individual into their dreams. Creative scenarios appear, and the straight-line thinking transforms to exceed limiting beliefs. Expansive visions in the mental planes connect to the spiritual dimension occupied by the Higher Self to reveal solutions to overcome problems by breaking the bonds created by trauma. The output of mental energy becomes greater than the input when the Mental Body pulls upward through the Root Chakra. When this occurs, there is a new sense of grounded, balanced flow, and the feeling of safety is ushered in when the bond to the lower energies is severed.

Daydreaming is one way to stimulate a non-linear process, for it opens channels in the mind for divergent thinking and exploration of new ideas, creative strategies, and higher cognitive awareness. The result is a greater flow of the energy of love that supports vibrant living.


Bring joy, ease suffering and create beauty, then dance like you mean it!
Blessings, Russell


“Healing the wounds of the past, releasing the pain held in the body, and transformation in reaching your full potential is a non-linear process. The input is never equal to the output.”
Russell Forsyth

 Angel Whispers – Non-Linear