Angel Whispers – Perfectionism

Being perfect is really challenging and I should know! (haha) Seriously, perfectionism can be the consequence of a blocked Solar Plexus. This energy center holds divine principles around personal power and self-esteem. When out of balance, anger, procrastination and perfectionism can ensue. Perfectionism can provide a sense of meaning and direction for the powerless and unsupported individual. Motivation to achieve an abstract reality is a great replacement existential unattainability. (tee hee)

In modern psychology, it manifests in three domains: Self-oriented perfectionism is imposing an unrealistic desire to be perfect on oneself. Other-oriented perfectionism means imposing unrealistic standards of perfection on others. Socially driven perfectionism involves perceiving unrealistic expectations of perfection from others. As with everything, there is a balance to be considered. Healthy perfectionism can provide motivation and drive to overcome adversity and excel in some area of life. Unhealthy perfectionism drives you straight to the Unhappy Highway.

An upward trend in perfectionistic tendencies can be found in the younger generation which may be attributed to academic competition, along with the pervasive presence of social media and the harmful social comparisons it elicits. Perfectionism, in short, involves setting unrealistically high expectations on the self and others. Would it be unreasonable to set the expectation of a whisper from an angel on the subject?

Perfectionism mostly stems from unhealthy attachments that affect the personality. While there can be a beneficial aspect to strong motivation for success, an inherent danger is present when a pattern of perfectionism becomes the most consistent orientation. Love given with conditions of approval and acceptance based on performance, begins the childhood dependency on recognition. Any aspect of the personality based on maladaptive perception can lead to rigid characteristics of extreme behavior.

Maintaining excellence can temper the drive for perfection, while still focusing on the goal to be successful. Dialing back the perfectionistic tendency can enhance problem solving and bring enthusiasm to challenges. The mindset is the key aspect to having a vision of a realistic reachable goal. A tendency to strive for perfection can give great strength when held to a standard of excellence.

The goal of perfection can remove a person from being present. Mindfulness practice helps with the letting go needed to achieve at a high level without being help to an impossible standard. Using compassionate self-talk, fair self-assessments, and positive self judgments are a good focus for avoiding perfectionism. Above all, do not use others for any level of comparison. There is no one as unique as yourself, which is something that should and can be celebrated with an honest assessment.

Love for and approve of yourself in order to achieve the greatest potential.


Bring joy, ease suffering and create beauty, then dance like you mean it!
Blessings, Russell


“Healthy striving is self-focused: “How can I improve?” Perfectionism is other-focused: “What will they think?”
― Brené Brown

 Angel Whispers – Perfectionism