Angel Whispers – Redeeming Characteristics

Most people I see in my session work are plagued by one question: “What am I doing here?” This type of question may never quench the thirst for a satisfying answer, which seems to make it rhetorical! (tee hee) Seriously, it appears to be an archetypal question. A burning question with such a large scope might make us believe we are here to search for something. The search for meaning, the search for understanding, and the search for enlightenment are large goals.

Animals might be lucky, in that they don’t seem to be burdened by the question of existence, by ego, or by karma. It’s our very humanness to make things right and find peace regarding the questions of life. Perhaps one answer lies in the need for redemption. The idea of redemption feels more profound than needing happiness, though there is probably a direct link. That so many people are asking the same question speaks to the nature of human consciousness.

I think the search for the answer to our existence is connected to a desire to feel whole and complete. Redemption means the act of being saved. Redeeming characteristics are those that counteracts or corrects something negative. Your grandpa may be a hard person who constantly criticizes you and complains about life. However, if he makes the best chocolate-chip cookies you’ve ever tasted, now that is his redeeming quality. Let’s continue the search for an answer through the whispers of spirit on redeeming characteristics.

With every incarnation, there is a goal that is the aim of the soul. The building of a structure of light becomes the architecture of your spirit. A building will fall if the foundation is not strong enough to support the highest point of your achievements. Therefore, the foundation of your life is created from the alignment with your core essence. This feature speaks to your integrity, the cultivation of virtues, the resonance of vibration frequencies, and the redemption of your soul.

Being saved brings ideas of threats or aggression, for what is it you need to be saved from? Soon after birth, you forget the reason for incarnation, and survival becomes the main goal. The ego can move the compass in a constant distraction to the truth of your identity. Self-imposed suffering, becoming stuck in the emotional whirlpool of your traumatic experiences, misleading ideas of what success really means, and false assumptions driven by social and cultural beliefs all contribute to uncertainty around existence. Redemption is being saved from self-defeating programs, self-sabotage, and mistaken identity that leads to self-imposed suffering.

The cultivation of redeeming characteristics is what elevates the soul to the higher perspective, where one can see the true meaning of life. Virtues aligned with core vibrations become the model for strength and commitment, which create the best foundation. Do one thing that measures your commitment to personal integrity, then realize the feeling it brings forward. This is true self-awareness. The more elevated the energy and the higher the vibration, the easier it is to attract that which you seek to manifest. Though the outcome may be different from anything you imagined, you will find it is better than what you could possible imagine for yourself.

Don’t chase the golden light; create steady movement into the light that awaits the peaceful warrior and you will correct the negative.


Bring joy, ease suffering and create beauty, then dance like you mean it!
Blessings, Russell


“Was it you or I who stumbled first? It does not matter. The one of us who finds the strength to get up first, must help the other.”
Vera Nazarian

 Angel Whispers – Redeeming Characteristics