Angel Whispers – Role Confusion

Do you ever find yourself cast in a role that is confusing? Either you don’t know how you got there, or you wonder why you are in that position, We are more than the role we play, but sometimes that is hard to remember. Everyone has an internal GPS that comes from a fixed and reliable sense of self, which should lead to understanding where life and work are taking us.

Outside influences can make it difficult for my mind to know exactly where I’m going, who I am, and how I can authentically move down the right path. When I find myself without clear direction and feeling confused about my role, I become more dependent on the environment and outer influences to feel connected. My decision-making strategy helps me find the correct environment with the highest thrive factor. That means my decisions can’t rely on my emotions alone. Instead, I must listen to my instincts.

If I’m in the wrong place, then I’m in the wrong place! (tee hee) Awareness of that can limit the confusion by leading me to try on some different roles. If I simply take on direction or identity to feel safe, then I lose my sense of self and lose sight of my mission here on earth. Personally, that can lead to a deep sense of loss, bitterness, anxiety, and feeling disheartened. That said, it must be time for some direction from a whisper on role confusion:

Trying out different roles and identities will feed the overall evolution of Self. Your openness will provide potential awareness and wisdom regarding your direction. A confident sense of identity inspires those around you to know their role and to trust the process of finding the path filled with light. Being cast in a role largely due to outside influences means that social recognition has occurred and a comprehensive pattern of behavior is likely expected.

For every role, responsibility comes with the purpose of taking a position. Conflict occurs when there is misalignment with the position, inability to fulfill expectations, dedication to opposing external influences, or losses around performance. Being pulled in different directions can bring the awareness that something is wrong within the role. The sense of loss, bitterness, anxiety, and feeling disheartened you mentioned are signs of strain.

In making determinations regarding role confusion, you must assess whether there is internal or external conflict. There can be both, but the key is whether balance can be obtained despite any conflict. The way challenges are met will determine the compatibility of the role and the potential evolution of Self within the role.

Life will always provide the feedback that supports your instinct and sense of self. Pay attention to the moods, reactions, thoughts, and emotions that arise in a consistent pattern. Most confusion arises when you are playing more than one role in your family, workplace, or relationships, which will add stress from a component of uncertainty. Sometimes you have to lose yourself to truly find out who you are. It’s always good to ask yourself what part of the role is committed to love and what part is void of that commitment.


Bring joy, ease suffering and create beauty, then dance like you mean it!
Blessings, Russell

“Confusion is the welcome mat at the
door of creativity.”

Michael J Gelb

 Angel Whispers – Role Confusion