Angel Whispers – Role Model

Okay, let’s break this down. The word role means the function assumed or part played by a person or thing in a particular situation. Model refers to a system or thing used as an example to follow or imitate. The definition of a role model is someone who others look up to or someone who has attributes and traits that make him an excellent person to try to be like. According to Sonia Sotomayor. “But a role model in the flesh provides more than inspiration; his or her very existence is confirmation of possibilities one may have every reason to doubt, saying, ‘Yes, someone like me can do this.”

The role model can be real or fictional, as both can carry certain traits. Someone can also choose a role model that is negative. This can be helpful as a way to bring clarity around the person you don’t want to be. But it can also create a disconnection from people and a justifiable escape from empathy. Negative role models can fuel bigotry, racism, war, and oppression.

A role model is an archetype that has a gift, a talent, a skill, or carry themselves in a way that I admire. Their example drives aspirations for the person I want to become. I must have wanted to communicate with animal spirits as a child, because I chose Tarzan as a role model (tee hee). My negative role model was the Penguin character in the Batman TV series, because of his devious plans to destroy Batman and take control of Gotham City. Angels are archetypes with a specific focus, which makes them the perfect role model. They inspire me to listen to the whispers from spirit on this subject:

The archetype created by the role model transforms human consciousness in a way that influences individual personality, behavior, and way of being in the world. Creating a system of consciousness goes will beyond formation of identity. The role model becomes a treatment for the soul. Inspiration from a role model provides not only a mirror in which to discover more about the self, but a compass that helps one find direction.

An individual in a position of admiration to others, brings color to their life through personal observation and evaluation. Connection with a person who hold traits and characteristics that reflects an alignment with core vibrations, can inspire a person to exceed their own capacity. Role models increase and improve life purpose and potential. As a major archetype, parents model behavior, attitudes, beliefs, and bias, which can leave a major imprint on the child. Imprints by the parent start prior to birth.

Exemplary role models bring examples that lead to greater balance in the area of masculine/feminine energies. Misplaced behavior in a role model can lead to displaced soul life, providing a block toward the balanced integration of masculine and feminine energies. These are heart energies experienced in the feeling dimension. Subtle examples from a role model can instill a quiet strength that emerges from the mystery found in the wisdom of the heart.

Think of a role model who has accomplished some things for which you hold passion, then study their lives, their actions, and their way of being in the world. Try to discover what that person overcame to become a model for success.

Bring joy, ease suffering and create beauty, then dance like you mean it!
Blessings, Russell

“Being a role model is the most powerful form of educating…too often fathers neglect it because they get so caught up in making a living they forget to make a life.”― John Wooden

 Angel Whispers – Role Model