Angel Whispers – Stretch

Especially during the days of COVID, we are being repeatedly asked to leave our comfort zone, even if that means not leaving the house (tee hee). Most can say it was a stretch to accomplish even the smallest goal in 2020. In this whisper, I am exploring what it means to stretch yourself to the limits. Stretching has an obvious definition around making things longer or wider, but I’m exploring the personal growth meaning.

Personal growth can be defined as being stretched or challenged in a way that results in development of a higher level of performance. All these words are active, since any form of engagement is more than a state of being. Growth is proactive and requires effort. Most American ideals are built on self-reliance and determination, which is not only the American way but also the human way.

Growth isn’t always measured by achievements or advancement. Some of the biggest leaps of growth come from failures. Part of my curiosity around this whisper emerged from a comment made by a client and therapist when she said, Stretching for growth too far outside the comfort zone is trauma. I knew immediately that I wanted to understand more about this statement. So that’s where we are today. Let’s stretch outside the comfort zone into the realm of angels for a whisper on the subject:

Stretching yourself to the limits is a discretionary effort of investing in your heart, mind, and soul. Anytime you intentionally move into unfamiliar territory, there is an increased risk of experiencing a greater obstacle than could have been anticipated. The heart may compel you to take that risk, in search of the opportunity to test your current level of maturity and measure your growth value.

Depression and anxiety are products of remaining in your comfort zone, which can prevent movement due to destabilized energy. Your most constant companions are your thoughts, which will impact your life more than any relationship. Quality of life is determined by what remains after being filtered by your thoughts. Are they your supportive allies or your most vocal critics?

Transformation, motivation, understanding, and positive change begin with energy generated by your thoughts. Your filter converts thoughts into action. A dirty filter can be cleansed energetically only by washing away the past. In order to allow your experiences to inform you, past experiences cannot be liable for holding you back from your true potential. It is the responsibility of every human being to go directly to the negative energy and clear it up.

To maneuver around a traffic jam, you must change lanes. Otherwise, you remain in a conditioned reflex as a slave to your past. Liberation comes from the discomfort of leaving the familiar behind a little at a time. Small measures yield big gains, protecting you from overstepping healthy boundaries into traumatic situations. Stepping outside your circle makes for a slightly larger circle, expanding your comfort zone, your aura, and giving breath and refreshment to your life through new experiences that foster learning.

Click to get our meditation that compliments this whisper.

Bring joy, ease suffering and create beauty, then dance like you mean it!
Blessings, Russell

“The comfort zone is a psychological state in which one feels familiar, safe, at ease, and secure. You never change your life until you step out of your comfort zone; change begins at the end of your comfort zone.”
― Roy T. Bennett

 Angel Whispers – Stretch