Angel Whispers – Talent and Dignity

I was watching a special program that featured an artist who made swords, which brought forth the concepts of dignity and talent. He happened upon a method of forming the steel to duplicate a sword that had not been reproduced for more than four hundred years. Whether this was a happy accident or a channeled knowing, he is now the only one who can make such a piece of art. The traditional Japanese sword or katana was a weapon of the samurai, but today it is an artifact prized by collectors worldwide.

Swordsmith Yoshindo Yoshihara talks about the beauty of the sword-making process in a brief filmed interview titled Dignity. The narrative described the dignity of a katana and the dignity of the swordsmith as what matters the most. It is the most important thing that comes out in the final product. Down to the most minute details, you must imbue the katana with dignity. Yoshihara expressed, “You have to buckle down and work hard to have talent.” And work hard he did, from cutting the coal into specific sizes, to making the fire with the most accurate temperature, to heating the steel to perfection, then hammering the metal into his unique shape and finish.

Talent is defined as a natural aptitude or special gift in a particular field or activity. The gift can include a physical or mental endowment. Talents are seen as something natural that does not require a lot of training. But Yoshindo Yoshihara worked hard to hone a talent with a focus on the energy of dignity. Let’s get a whisper on talent and dignity:

Discovering a talent should bring a healthy dose of passion. Passion is the fire that burns within, representing a fuel that is the energy of love and the lift-force of life. Passion delivers the fuel that motivates a person to take their talents to a higher level. Without the motivation, drive, and effort, a talent will remain at the same level or lesson over time. Like any muscle, talent needs exercise.

An event can trigger an awakening to the inner passion and unbridled expressions that can reveal a hidden or suppressed talent. This is a signal that it is time to claim your power after a period considered painful or filled with suffering. A traumatic event or stress-filled period of life often illuminates one’s gift. Your gift is a shiny object demanding your attention and self-awareness. You would not possess a talent if you were not meant to use the gift as a lens through which to examine this lifetime. Engaging with something you love brings fulfillment, happiness, and extreme joy in ways beyond what can be imagined or perceived.

Your gift evokes passion that beckons a look in the mirror. A leopard must see they have spots and agree that is who they are as a natural evolution of spirit in this lifetime. The leopard must honor and respect their spots. Humans must respect their spots as well, in order to attain greater levels of self-worth and self-respect. When a person accepts and embraces their gifts with gratitude void of arrogance, they attain psychological and physical integrity and empowerment. Human dignity is inherent in everyone, but must be cultivated along with the gift to achieve higher levels of an independent state of being. Immersion in a talent with dignity will accomplish the reward that comes with living a life of purpose.

Bring joy, ease suffering and create beauty, then dance like you mean it!
Blessings, Russell

“Your talent determines what you can do. Your motivation determines how much you are willing to do. Your attitude determines how well you do it.” Lou Holtz

 Angel Whispers – Talent and Dignity