Angel Whispers – Touchstones of the Past

Today’s whisper is about the energy around birthdays. I was guided away from the whisper on ‘Transition Is Death’, since I wasn’t sure how that would land on Beckie’s birthday (tee hee). Our emotional reality is founded on self-awareness. Both in my practice and my personal life, I have had many experiences with the influential energy around birthdays. My father departed this world two days after his 80th birthday, when he spoke his final words. The veil appears to drop to allow greater communication from deceased loved ones in the days before or after a significant birthday. Emotions can run higher and passions can run deeper.

The influence of the energy around a birthday has always fascinated me. People react to their moment in ways that would mystify the mystic. Coming into a harsh world can present the challenge to acknowledge such beginnings on some level, which might explain why some people get depressed around their birthday. Others may be filled with joy at making one more trip around the Sun. Let’s get a whisper on touchstones of the past:

The soul courageously journeys through the Solar System, headed for the Earth, compelled to have the experience that can only be offered in a three-dimensional world. At the moment of birth, the energy of the spirit bonds to the physical body and begins the journey specific to each incarnation. The phenomenon of human life takes form with a goal that creates an individual unique to the entire Universe. A remarkable being has chosen to be tested by life on Earth with specific goals connected to their essence. Deep inside is a knowing that extends beyond the mind, and an answer to questions of life. That knowing is quickly forgotten as the focus of the individual shifts to survival.

Birthdays are touchstones for that knowing with a potential to bring greater recognition of the life journey. The energy of a birthday heightens remembrance of who you are and why you came to Earth. The spirit remembers being cradled in the arms of divinity surrounded by the energy of love. Birthdays are a time to celebrate the journey and the connection that was once forgotten. Touching the spirit with memories of home is a nostalgic journey to a time before physical life.

Remembering who you are propels you into the future with the confidence, courage, and knowing that builds greater awareness. Birthdays are also touchstones to the future. Having had the experiences of the past gives freedom to seek out new adventures. New beginnings are created by the influence of the past, the lessons learned along the way, and the search for growth that leads to fulfillment. Birthdays elevate the person to enable them to see where they are going because they know where they have been.

The birth process is the result of a longing for love being awakened by a new world in a new body. The most natural state of purity is realized in the form of a human body being given an opportunity for expression. Character takes form, and the internal compass gives direction. Now that’s something to celebrate.

Bring joy, ease suffering and create beauty, then dance like you mean it!
Blessings, Russell

“A birth-date is a reminder to celebrate the life as well as to update the life.” Amit Kalantri

 Angel Whispers – Touchstones of the Past