Angel Whispers – Withdrawal Induced

Have you ever embarked upon a spiritual journey or focused on energy healing, only to experience a new challenge? What about experiencing an awakening that marked the beginning of some really unpleasant withdrawal induced symptoms? Did you do a simple detox or try to eat healthy, only to find out there was an unintended consequence? One of the surprises to my work, both personally and professionally, was the sometimes challenging effect of any process with a focus on healing, awakening, or spiritual growth.

Many people express their surprise to the physical nature of spiritual healing and energy balancing. A process involving cleansing or letting go can carry a very physical reaction that is withdrawal induced. Some symptoms of a spiritual or energetic-induced challenge can include ringing in the ears (tinnitus), skin rashes, headaches, flu-like symptoms, lethargy, nausea, fever, fatigue, emotional flooding, and more.

As I observed this time and time again, my logical side said, “Of course there is a consequence to opening energy channels that have closed for some reason.” My intuitive, sensitive side said, “Why does it have to be hard?!” After all, we are simply trying to connect with love. (tee hee) I have seen some serious integrations in extreme cases that contributed to hospitalization. This may be one of the biggest examples of spiritual bypassing with energy healing in today’s world, which is why it takes a high level of discernment around any spiritual process. Let’s bypass some logic and get a whisper on the subject:

The aim of the soul includes the drive toward growth, which emerges from experiences and soul patterns. Coming to the Earth to be tested is a profound act of courage. At the moment of birth, the soul connects to the Cosmic Heart of the Universe to create a blueprint. The destined journey is not completely determined because, to be tested, one must make choices on the path toward enlightenment.

Soon after birth, the person forgets the mission, and survival becomes key. A new beginning is formed under conditions created by the parents or surrogates that include attitudes, biases, inclinations, rules, and restrictions. What lives in the darkness becomes the catalyst for change and motivates the direction one will take. In order to move toward the light and allow life to lead, there must be an equal force greater in context. The choice to raise spiritual vibrations is taking the steps toward cleansing and purging of the residue from past experiences.

A true opening of the heart and mind is a release that can lead to breaking the bond between the lower self and the higher self. The channels fill with light, and toxins release into the physical body. The result is withdrawal induced symptoms that range from mild to severe. As the entire system will recalibrate, the spirit is in recovery mode and can handle only small amounts of further stimulations. The effects are proportionate to sensitivity and trauma.

Awakenings are both large and small. Cleansing on such a level carries consequences. Because healing occurs in orderly stages, the process with a soul returning to sovereignty cannot be rushed. This is the time for the highest level of self-love, which is self-care.

Bring joy, ease suffering and create beauty, then dance like you mean it!
Blessings, Russell

“I’ve had so much of you in such little time that I shouldn’t be suffering from withdrawal!”
Ahmed Mostafa

 Angel Whispers – Withdrawal Induced