
Angel Whispers – Antagonist


In the last few whispers, we have been guided toward higher-ordered emotions. These whispers are designed to bring awareness to our conscious and subconscious thoughts. High-vibe emotions include gratitude, humility, joy, and a sense of wonder. From that awareness, I/m observing my way of being in the world. It’s...

Angel Whispers – Transcendence


This word came up when pondering all the areas where people like me face limitations. One example is the constant striving to be in the present moment. That usually leads to some form of a mindfulness practice. According to science, our brain is not wired to accommodate maintaining presence...

Angel Whispers – Undermine


The dominant energy shaping our lives at this moment is creating a type of opposition. One energy influences setting goals, looking at finances, acknowledging achievements, and understanding aspirations. In combination is the energy that represents your inner world. The mystery is where I find my deepest desire to know...

Angel Whispers – Distinction


My friend recently returned from a 3-week vacation. They had plenty of time to settle into a life experience that was out of the ordinary. I’m not saying my friend leads an ordinary life. According to his description, the trip allowed him and his wife to experience life outside...

Angel Whispers – Subconscious Mind

subconscious mind

Some refer to the subconscious mind as the unconscious mind. Others believe it represents the shadow side of mental processes. It’s fascinating to think about how this part of us can take charge under the influence of the past. The subconscious mind is not a physical part of the...

Angel Whispers – Piezoelectric


Humans are biomechanic beings. This is due in part to bioelectricity, otherwise known as the piezoelectric effect. Piezo is the Greek word for pressure. Piezoelectricity denotes electricity produced applying pressure through mechanical means. In humans and animals, this occurs through natural motions of the organs. Such motion can yield...

Angel Whispers – Cosmos


Cosmos is considered a synonym for the universe. The Greek word kosmos means order. Some believe that when the Big Bang occurred some 13 billion years ago, our universe was given a natural order. The Universe went from a hot mess of particles and leptons, to a structured development...

Angel Whispers – Autonomy


With my recent traumatic experiences, I stepped back to make some observations. What I realized was my difficulty in making decisions. Those involving a higher level of commitment were the most challenging. I also noticed making trauma-based decisions that were out of touch with my core values. Making changes...

Angel Whispers – Calculated


On some level, we all try to calculate our moves. Maneuvering life involves risks. I know mine does! Calculated risk-taking depends on learning to make decisions based on self-direction. With decisions, we will always experience emotions. To maintain balance requires taking responsibility for the decision. Once I have made...

Angel Whispers – Revival


If you’re not willing to leave your comfort zone by your own accord, then get ready. You are about to be pushed outside the illusion of control (tee hee). We are experiencing energetic patterns gently delivered to our corner of the Universe. This year has been one astrological event...