Angel Whispers – Homosexualtiy

Fernando is a loyal whisperee who often sends a donation toward the expense of putting out the weekly Whisper. So when he made the request for a whisper, I could hardly refuse (tee tee). As a heterosexual, he is trying to understand the divisiveness and controversy his LGBT friends experience. As a person who aims to treat everyone fairly and without judgment, this warrior spirit often finds himself taking up for the LGBT community. But living in a smaller Texas community can create the opportunity to witness injustice with this issue. 

Even our state attorney general, Ken Paxton, violated federal laws when he told Texas county clerks to refuse to issue marriage license applications for gay couples. Paxton is a man who was indicted in July 2015 on two first-degree felony counts of securities fraud, and a third-degree felony count of failing to register with the Texas State Securities Board. Those like him who hold office in Texas lead the way in abuse of power and discrimination against anyone who does not fit their self-righteous agenda.

Homosexuality is surrounded by controversy at all levels of our society. Why can’t we all enjoy personal freedom and treat each other with respect, even if a person has a different lifestyle? How does spirit view this subject? What is there to learn? Many questions means it is time for a whisper from the angels on the subject of homosexuality:    

Many factors are involved in the subject of homosexual activities and desires. The energy behind a person’s characteristics, personality, and desires makes up each individual alignment of vibrations established with this incarnation. Masculine and feminine energy balance can impact the sensitive humans on the planet, creating an attraction that occurs regardless of gender. Warrior spirits are here to break down systems and defy authority, which can create the courage to lean into a lifestyle that is not widely accepted. Once any structure is in ruins, limitations are released, consciousness grows, and humans evolve as a species.

In the divine matrix, there are no limitations. From the angelic realm, we see humans in energy form and void of the physical body. Therefore, we do not see gender; we see the energy in the form of light frequencies. Human activities viewed through this lens are very simple. Each person holds a vibration that equals color. For example, we may see a person as an energy that is predominately green. When that energy merges in a sexual act with a person holding the predominant color of red, we see a bright yellow light of oneness in that moment.

Any frequency or combination of frequencies that holds the bright light of love lifts the energy of human consciousness. We see only the love, for there is no judgment from the realm of divine providence. When the vibrations between two of any gender do not merge in light, or their light frequencies reduce, that indicates that the individuals are feeding desires instead of love. This can point to the negative impact of feeding addictions in a way that is removed of love – which occurs within the human experience, regardless of the genders involved. Each person will search for love, and it may take a variety of experiences to determine their illuminated path. Like children on a playground, you do not have to analyze every choice of where to play. Follow the heart to the passion that feeds the soul in a way that is removed from ego judgment. 

Bring joy, ease suffering and create beauty, then dance like you mean it! 
Blessings, Russell

 “Understand that sexuality is as wide as the sea. Understand that your morality is not law. Understand that we are you. Understand that if we decide to have sex whether safe, safer, or unsafe, it is our decision and you have no rights in our lovemaking.”   Derek Jarman


 Angel Whispers – Homosexualtiy