Angel Whispers – Inner Child

Jaeda DeWalt, self-taught photographic artist and poet, says, “Imagination is our inner child, and creativity its playground.” Everyone has their own inner child. The process of letting your inner child come out to play can include the process of healing that part of yourself. People are often wounded as a child in ways that may seem void of obvious trauma, yet the perception is real, even if imagined. 

Healing the inner child involves dealing with the grief that comes from things not working out the way you dreamed they would. Anger, sadness, remorse, and lower emotions can act like a crust surrounding a person’s inner child. To penetrate the outer shell means working through the layers of emotionally charged energy that have become a coping mechanism protecting the heart from further emotional pain. 

Perhaps this is why some people are so serious and have forgotten how to play? Not me, I act like a child all the time, just ask Beckie (tee tee). Let’s engage in a playful conversation with the angels on the inner child:

Everyone has their own inner child; a partial system of the entire you and a replica of the innocent start to the present incarnation. Your inner child remembers who you are and why you came to Earth. Play restores the highest vibration of love, beauty, and joy that could be seen only through the unfiltered lens of innocence, curiosity, and the willingness to explore. Your inner child is intuitive and without the limitations that come with the perception of knowing everything about the physical world.

A fragment of the childhood personality is expressed through your inner child and allows a pure connection to all children and every living element of the earth. Unencumbered by the traumas of life, your inner child exists beneath the layers of an individual’s experience with what could be described as forced learning. Your inner child is awaiting the opportunity to express love without conditions. 

Beyond your daily stress is the happy essence of a person who is free from the burdens of life. Just over that mountain you are climbing is a peaceful place where a happy heart can reside without fear. Like a child running ahead to be the first to see what lies around the corner, your inner child can explore every aspect of life acting as a spiritual partner.

Allow your inner child to surface in order to get reacquainted with that side of yourself. Run barefoot through the grass, lie amongst the flowers, place your head in the clouds, and unleash your imagination into the stars and beyond as you dream big. Feed your spirit with the energy of your inner child, and you will feed your soul as you come home. 

Bring joy, ease suffering and create beauty, then dance like you mean it! 
Blessings, Russell

 “Everyone is born creative; everyone is given a box of crayons in kindergarten. Then when you hit puberty they take the crayons away and replace them with dry, uninspiring books on algebra, history, etc. Being suddenly hit years later with the 'creative bug' is just a wee voice telling you, 'I'd like my crayons back, please.” 
― Hugh MacLeod


 Angel Whispers – Inner Child