Angel Whispers – Our Thoughts Are Not Our Thoughts

Thanks to Chris for requesting an angel whisper on the subject. I wrote to ask him to speak more on what these words mean to him. Chris answered, “It means I am connected to the One Mind through my mind. Mind, Idea, Expression. The expression of my vibration creates the attractive forces which determine my thoughts. My ‘job’ then is to focus on Love or whatever represents Love to me. My thoughts are not my thoughts just reminds me to remember my connection to My Divine and the thoughts that are in my head are not the Truth of who I am, but rather a reminder of where I am presently.” 

You are not your thoughts, emotions, or other experiences, according to Hindu tradition, which teaches “witnessing consciousness”. You are that which is aware of those experiences, or your true essential self. Conversely, Buddha’s approach is that neither our experiences nor our experience of experiencing is the self. According to Buddha, any view of the self, even the view that there is no self, is a form of clinging that will lead to suffering. 

There are a lot of choices in which to form beliefs as a spiritual being (tee tee). Perhaps this is why there are so many spiritual butterflies, taking the best from all teachings and leaving the rest behind. Was that my thought, my expression, or my experience (lol)? Let’s empty all thoughts to lean into the whispers from spirit on the subject at hand:

Thoughts are mostly generated from the energy that dominates the mind. Anything that serves to create a circular movement of energy usually emerges as feeling stuck. Drugs, alcohol, destructive behavior, traumas, lower emotions, and stress held in the body can create patterns that influence repetitious and detrimental thoughts. These thoughts are not aligned with divinity. 

Childhood imprints, social programming, peer influences, beliefs, and the experiences of your past compromise the ability to be the observer of your thoughts. Survival becomes the priority shortly after birth, and ego becomes the dominating influence that determines your thoughts. Ego creates separation from your true Essential Self and from the vortex of Divine Love. The inability to experience connection to the creator within leads to thought decay.   

The Higher Self is the part of you that knows everything about you – your purpose, your capacity to love, your desire to learn, and your deepest truth of your existence. Enlightenment is food for the God within. When thoughts emerge from a moment of awakening, the true Essential Self expresses through the vibration of Light in a moment of connectedness. The individual becomes the conscious observer, and discernment is amplified around thoughts.

Momentary glimpses from the observer within lead to more enlightenment, and awakening becomes a powerful wave of love. The energy of love is the great equalizer in the life experience, for love empties the mind of false beliefs to restore the sovereign vibrations of the true self. You become a traveler in a dimension beyond the physical as you rise to meet Divine Love. Standing on the rainbow bridge, your thoughts become one with Source, and the true self is expressed through the eyes, from the heart, and into the seeker of the mysteries of life.

Bring joy, ease suffering and create beauty, then dance like you mean it! 
Blessings, Russell

“We experience ourselves our thoughts and feelings as something separate from the rest. A kind of optical delusion of consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us.” 
― Albert Einstein


 Angel Whispers – Our Thoughts Are Not Our Thoughts