Angel Whispers – Failure Mind

Are you being set up for failure by your subconscious mind? Every time we fail, there is a chain reaction of emotions, memories, and chemical releases in the body. We are not taught how to be success conscious (tee hee). It’s easy to fall into the mental trap that leads to an unhealthy focus when we fail. Failure mind is a reference to a mental state where focus remains on the possibility of failure. This can lead to energetic blocks toward success – negative self-talk and thoughts dominated by anxiety centered around what can go wrong.

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A tendency for self-criticism occurs when the failure mind dominates a conscious state. We hold on to the negatives and their potential interference with the goal. Lowering self-esteem with a mind emphasizing failure is a prediction of negative outcomes. The fear of taking risks backs us into a corner. What follows is a conscious block of the desired manifestation. That’s how I ensure my prediction of failure comes true (tee hee). Failure is subjective to the individual. Each person has their own definition. Failure makes me feel less capable, which often leads to underestimating my talent. How can I reach the best potential outcome when haunted by my past?

With repeated failures, the most prevalent sentiment is helplessness. If that energy fills the conscious mind, it will be easy for the ego to convince you to not even try. Staying in my comfort zone keeps me safe from those annoying emotions like shame, fear, and embarrassment. I can tell it’s time to step outside the comfort zone for a whisper on the subject. With spirit, there is no fear to block success, so let’s listen together:

Being mindful doesn’t mean engaging with false positivity. It means to open the space of silence for a moment of reflection. The light of truth will shine on the past to bring a balanced perspective. It is easy to race past the moment where you enjoyed success. Slow down and acknowledge all experiences with equal measure. Approach every interaction with neutrality. Elevate conscious awareness by agreeing not to judge as positive or negative.

Human nature is to focus on what is flawed. Perfection is the hidden standard used as measurement by the ego. The mind must overcome negative judgments to see the progress toward a goal. Celebrating small victories builds a system of conscious encouragement. Failures are opportunities for growth worthy of affirmation. When awareness fills with an energy dedicated to what is wrong, a limitation is created. There is only room in the bubble of consciousness for an emotional and mental response to what is wrong.

Expectations are often built around an ideal outcome. Disappointment is inevitable when there is a standard that goes unmet. Mentally reframe a perceived setback. Spiritual redirection is one aspect of core alignment with your mission on Earth. The failure mind needs re-patterning in order to break the cycle. Any lack of success should be accepted with gratitude for the experience. Accept the outcome, but do not prolong the cognitive process.

Hope, understanding, and self-forgiveness provide the beacon of light that dissolves chronic distress. Always remember, the pursuit of love is the story being written by your soul.

Bring joy, ease suffering and create beauty, then dance like you mean it!
Blessings, Russell

You will be a failure, until you impress the subconscious with the conviction you are a success. This is done by making an affirmation which ‘clicks.’
Florence Scovel Shinn



Is this card for you?

The message for you is to remember your that beauty is more that what you see. Beauty is something you feel. Have you been feeling fear lately? It may be time for to create something magical.

At the IEL Institute for the Spiritual Arts, we want you to help you see the beauty in life. Beauty is something you can always when you look inside and connect to your heart. For a complete guide to the metaphysical, look no further than your monthly membership portal.

 Angel Whispers – Failure Mind