Angel Whispers – Inconceivable

When I describe something as inconceivable, it’s a concept beyond my imagination. In some instances, the word could mean not plausible. Some might even say inconceivable means impossible or untrue. But what if something is fantastic beyond any prior context? An example might be the following: It’s inconceivable that someone would say I’m suffering from delusions of hearing the voices of angels (tee hee). Here’s another possible definition. Inconceivable is unbelievable!

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Another example of inconceivable would be our concepts of God or “pure consciousness”. Just because we can’t understand something doesn’t mean it is non-existent. Our reality contains aspects that will always be hidden. As a young man I couldn’t conceive of being married for more than 40 years. At the time, my mind could not comprehend that type of commitment or dedication. It was a concept that was unreliable but turned out to become my reality.

So is it fantastic or preposterous? Is it hard to swallow or scarcely credible? As I write down my thoughts, it occurs to me: Inconceivable describes my spiritual journey and very existence. Claircognizance is a knowing without knowing how you know. It’s a type pf cosmic understanding of things that are inconceivable to some. If I allowed the inconceivable to stop me, I could hardly reach 888 weeks of angel whispers in a row (which was last week’s whisper on prejudgment)! Let’s listen together for whispers from spirit on the subject of inconceivable:

Comprehension is dependent on a multidimensional process of understanding. Something considered inconceivable can move you in opposing directions. One is to respond by rejecting the idea. The other is an inspired moment that deserves further investigation. The latter is the journey of the mystic, who holds a desire to explore that which cannot be explained. One can prioritize reflection over intuition. With total reliance on logic and reason, analyzation dulls the sparkle around magical possibilities.

To conceive requires imagination, which is not limited to children. It’s quite the opposite. As humans mature and expand their knowledge base, imagination grows. The rate of growth is equal to the expansion of self-awareness. Imagination is uniquely personal to the inner landscape of every individual. Each person imagines the world differently. Imagination is the combined effect of emotions, thoughts, and behavior. Imagination is discrimination.

Inconceivable notions occur when the mind relies on experience relative to a sense of self. This is where ego becomes the voice of distraction on things both symbolic and imaginary. To describe the inconceivable in words removes it from that very realm. By nature, the inconceivable cannot be communicated with words.

The only true description of things beyond conception would be found in the expression of art. This is where you find the freedom to explore your personal view of the inconceivable. To explore the inconceivable is to allow feeling and engagement with the distraction. This where you begin to understand what lives inside. Imagination can carry you across the gap where questions of the unknown meet potential in your field of dreams.

Bring joy, ease suffering and create beauty, then dance like you mean it!
Blessings, Russell

What sunshine is to flowers, smiles are to humanity. These are but trifles, to be sure; but scattered along life’s pathway, the good they do is inconceivable.
Joseph Addison

Is this card for you?

It’s hard to separate soul experiences from soul patterns, but they are very different. Soul patterns are predetermine in the After-Life Realms. Some will spend time in different realms prior to incarnation.

The purpose is to set the vibrations up that will ultimately attract the experiences and lessons which the soul is yearning for. The 6.2 Advanced Master module on Awakening Energies explains the After-Life Realms.

There is also a realm test to determine you specific realm. You might find answers to those burning questions emerging from the depths of the soul.

Become a monthly member at the IEL Institute for the Spiritual Arts, and you can take the realm test and find the.





 Angel Whispers – Inconceivable