Angel Whispers – Parallel Universe

Okay, today is my 70th birthday. I decided on a whisper about me (tee hee). As some of you devoted whisperees know, I have a very active dream life. Some nights I’m so busy, I wake up exhausted. In the middle of the night, I often wake up and refuse to go back to sleep. My dreams are often experienced in chapters. It is not uncommon for me to take flight in this other dream world. Also I can go months, even years, between chapters – a living book. My dream stories are vivid, detailed, thematic, and cinematic. At times, they are interactive. It has often struck me that I may be experiencing a parallel universe.

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NASA scientists have been unable to explain high-energy neutrinos. These particles coming from the Earth signal several possibilities. Other dimensions and a topsy-turvy universe are the subject of the new discovery. It’s possible these particles are evidence of a dimension where time is in reverse. The standard model of the world we know becomes constrained when trying to explain. Brane theory is another scientific attempt to unify known forces in the Universe. One universe could be touching another to connect a string of dimensions.

It has often struck me that I may be experiencing a parallel universe. This is a subject people talk about, but I never gave it much thought. One reason is I’m not sure how the information could be useful. Life seems complicated enough without dwelling on a parallel life. As infinite beings, what would it mean if we are living in a parallel universe? If an accident or illness occurs in one, does it affect the other? The questions are building, which means it time for a whisper on parallel universe:

Human ego discourages the possibility of a world that defies reason and logic. When experiencing the sleeping state of consciousness, there is freedom to explore the infinite. An inherent caution exists with the soul essence leaving the physical body for any extended period of time. It is the function of the ego to maintain survival, which will inhibit any process of inter-dimensional travel.

What most will experience are involuntary moments of connectedness. Communication with inter-dimensional beings involves angels, spirits, and the deceased. Once that portal has been opened, it doesn’t necessarily close. Openings move with the rhythm of a multiverse. One can’t always anticipate the appearance of a portal to another realm. Yet some are able to willfully create their own access to other dimensions.

The evolution of the human species is just now reaching the point where state of mind can rise above the 3D world. Understanding of a world beyond this one you occupy takes understanding that removes fear. Comprehension of other worlds coexisting is challenging in a world where high levels of turmoil are commonplace. If the human race could move into a peaceful collaboration of a one-world society, infinite possibilities would follow.

Some will desire the evolution of the mind where other worlds offer exploration and other beings are revealed. It takes a cosmic explorer whose fear has been replaced by excitement. Each soul feels the exhilaration of falling into the realm of a unique experience that offers incarnation. It is the same feeling that comes with breaking the barrier to explore a parallel universe.

Bring joy, ease suffering and create beauty, then dance like you mean it!
Blessings, Russell

“There is a cosmic “entanglement” between every atom of our body and atoms that are light-years distant. Since all matter came from a single explosion, the big bang, in some sense the atoms of our body are linked with some atoms on the other side of the universe in some kind of cosmic quantum web. Entangled particles are somewhat like twins still joined by an umbilical cord (their wave function) which can be light-years across. What happens to one member automatically affects the other, and hence knowledge concerning one particle can instantly reveal knowledge about its pair. Entangled pairs act as if they were a single object, although they may be separated by a large distance.”
Michio Kaku


angel whisper card inversion


Is this card for you?

This is a message of energy moving in opposition to a natural flow. On one hand, this can create rapid learning potential. It can also mean stress has created a nervous system condition that is inhibiting flow.

The 5.3 module at the IEL Institute for the Spiritual Arts takes on the dynamic subject of Polarity Reversal. It is a contagious condition affecting many people on the planet today.

This card could be a message that you or someone you know could benefit from Polarity Therapy.

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 Angel Whispers – Parallel Universe