Angel Whispers – Projection

Projection is casting onto another person the ideas, impulses, and beliefs which belong to oneself. It means giving objective reality to a subjective experience. A person who blames someone else for his own misgivings, mistakes, or feelings is scapegoating or using the psychological defense mechanism of projection to escape responsibility.

The ego is burdened with the residue of its own self-judgments. The residue is energetically maintained in the mind, body, and soul as the unresolved conflict of karmic debt. Projections of unresolved conflict can be seen by the intuitive as energetic hooks, blocks, or cords placed by the one who cast the energy. Using language to communicate aspects of energy that show up during an assessment can easily get lost in translation.

Part of our human design, as it relates to karma, involves blind spots. What is my stuff and what is not my stuff (tee hee)? It can get confusing to experience an energy that triggers a reaction, only to discover a projection from another has influenced my reaction. On some level we have to agree in order for a projection of energy to be absorbed into our system (empathy). Those types of agreements rarely come from the conscious mind, which only adds to the mystery of a projection. Let’s seek some answers from the mystery of spirit in the form of a whisper on projection:

Even a micro-aggression can leave an imprint as an expression with a consequence. If you have ever been unable to fully escape the thoughts around an experience with an aggressor, chances are you are feeling the residue from that event. Sensitive people are more likely to take on the burden of others in a perpetual cycle of conditioning through their past traumatic events. Residual energy can become a shiny object in the matrix of the human energy body. The ancient cultures referred to the Manipura (Solar Plexus) as the Place of Gems for this reason.

Suppression or avoidance of the feelings and emotions generated by a harsh experience constitutes the formation of energetic hooks, blocks, or cords. The blemish on the spirit becomes a focus for the soul who has an aim toward growth and healing. Universal intelligence involves soul-to-soul communication that calls forward another person to play a role in that growth process. A person steps into your life to become a collaborator with the Universe to evoke a response to increase awareness. The reaction presents an opportunity to step outside the confines of the past and create a future response with a better outcome.

Words matter and thoughts hold energy. It’s important to take responsibility for the energy being put out into the Universe. The ego blames, but only the Higher Self can fully agree to forgiveness and self-forgiveness, which is the final step to releasing the residue left by traumas and unresolved conflicts. The soul will repeatedly return to the opportunity for resolution by creating similar situations with similar characters. Karma is proclivity, the pattern that can facilitate movement toward the release from the weight of emotional residue. Freedom from running those replicating programs comes from the release of the projections by others until there are no more shiny objects. The soul becomes free to pursue deeper levels of healing in the search for connecting to divine love.

Bring joy, ease suffering and create beauty, then dance like you mean it!
Blessings, Russell


“The most dangerous psychological mistake is the projection of the shadow on to others, this is the root of almost all conflicts.”
Carl Jung

 Angel Whispers – Projection