Angel Whispers – Transcendence

This word came up when pondering all the areas where people like me face limitations. One example is the constant striving to be in the present moment. That usually leads to some form of a mindfulness practice. According to science, our brain is not wired to accommodate maintaining presence as a state of being (tee hee). The here and now may be an illusion due to our limitations with time and space. The human mind operates in a field of energy called consciousness. When that field expands, our minds can move beyond the limits to travel other dimensions. In that moment I have experienced transcendence.

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Transcendence has origins in the Latin prefix trans, which means “beyond”, and the word scandare, meaning “to climb”. Achieving transcendence describes having gone beyond ordinary limitations. How do we transcend the limitations of an earthly life? This is where a spiritual practice activates the Crown Chakra, whose prime function is transcendence and enlightenment.

The search for meaning and purpose is what leads to expansion beyond the ordinary. Moving beyond the boundaries of a limiting belief is a form of releasing energy. Boundaries can be healthy, so I must believe limitations can protect us on some level. Enlightenment is the freedom from attachments. As I process these thoughts with you today, something occurs to me. There is a reason we humans go through stages of development, like a caterpillar goes through metamorphosis to become a butterfly. It’s time for a whisper to better understand transcendence:

Transcendence cannot occur within the scope of a normal experience. It is subjective to each individual’s perception of life. To shift from a limiting state, consciousness must escape the bonds of the past. Any process that leads to freedom from attachment will expand human energy.

To rise above the self, one must connect to something greater. In doing so, there is simplicity in knowing your small part in the Universe. What is perceived as greater doesn’t matter. The goal is understanding life with increased awareness.

Leaving the contracted space of limitations is what leads to self-actualization. Transcendence is reaching for the highest level of holistic behavior. Identifying deficiencies in the area of human needs, then fulfilling those needs, are part of the path toward self-actualization. A grounded heart center is where faith prevails, which opens the door to a transcendent experience.

Self-actualization represents transcendence into higher levels of personal creative expression. A shift in focus away from ego and the self marks personal transcendence. Movement from the motivation of external rewards toward activities with moral alignment expands conscious awareness. Live a life of higher-order emotions to experience transcendence. It’s as simple as doing the right thing to enjoy the greatest intrinsic reward.

Bring joy, ease suffering and create beauty, then dance like you mean it!
Blessings, Russell

Transcending the world does not mean to withdraw from the world, to no longer take action, or to stop interacting with people. Transcendence of the world is to act and to interact without any self-seeking.
Eckhart Tolle



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 Angel Whispers – Transcendence