Angel Whispers – Anger from Desire

I could have a daily appointment with a dream therapist and we would only scratch the surface on the meaning of every little detail (tee hee). My dreams will start and stop when I wake or get up, just like hitting the pause button on a DVR. They are often lucid, have story lines, interesting characters, and subplots that occur in real time. Each dream seems to have several elements that are open to interpretation, and I remember the smallest details when I wake up.  

In a recent dream, I was reading some type of scroll that had an angel whisper carved into a copper-like metallic surface. It was so dark that I was using a flashlight, and even then could barely make out the text. The dream was quite lengthy, but I woke up seeing the scroll that read “Anger is rationalized by desire”. I found this to be very thought-provoking, to say the least.

If you ever watch the news, look at Facebook, have a relationship, follow politics, or use any form of transportation, you probably witness anger in our world (tee hee). With all the warrior spirits in the body, both male and female, there are plenty of opportunities to witness an alarming amount of anger in the world. Whatever happened to spirited debate and collaborative agreement that benefited the majority? Whatever happened to using facts for balancing emotions? Let’s get a spirited debate in the form of a whisper on anger from desire:

Humans have at their disposal, countless ways to feed their desires. Many confuse desire with fulfillment, with a tendency to abuse certain substances and activities as the vehicle that moves one toward fulfillment. When desires are not met, in almost any form, the feelings of anger can be internally and externally rationalized. When this occurs, facts will not matter nor serve to bring balance. The emotional discharge can create energy that penetrates the soul. Emotions become locked at the depth of one’s existence, which are then viewed as justified.   

Most of the general population has become confused with regard to their existence and life path. Numbed by the pain of living, and unable to understand the true meaning of their life, people can become lost in the maze of their emotions. As most religious and spiritual teachings will communicate, you are here to love your fellow human and to coexist in harmony with each other. This requires conscious assessment around the realities of life, with some focus on the need to clear away the negative and toxic emotions that bring pain and disharmony.     

For those of you that are sensitive, this you should know. Find ways to avoid entrainment by negative people, circumstances, and events. You cannot spiritually bypass negativity by burying your head in the sand, being self-righteous, practicing avoidance, or by using passive aggression as your means of expression. You can lead by example and choose the high road whenever you are confronted with the lower emotions rationalized by the desires of others. 

Anger is a true emotion that must be expressed if you are authentic. Every emotion can be communicated in a way that facilitates creative expression, balance, and wellness. You are here to learn the language of love, so practice the full expression of your true self, and allow others to fully express themselves to you in a way that is not abusive. You will be practicing unconditional love, teaching love, and leading by example as you transcend your life purpose. 


Bring joy, ease suffering and create beauty, then dance like you mean it!
Blessings, Russell

“I am awfully greedy; I want everything from life. I want to be a woman and to be a man, to have many friends and to have loneliness, to work much and write good books, to travel and enjoy myself, to be selfish and to be unselfish… You see, it is difficult to get all which I want. And then when I do not succeed I get mad with anger.”   Simone de Beauvoir

 Angel Whispers – Anger from Desire