Angel Whispers – Antagonist

In the last few whispers, we have been guided toward higher-ordered emotions. These whispers are designed to bring awareness to our conscious and subconscious thoughts. High-vibe emotions include gratitude, humility, joy, and a sense of wonder. From that awareness, I/m observing my way of being in the world. It’s my attempt to be the better version of me. This week my friend tells me she has been labeled as an antagonist by one of her children.

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Antagonism is the lower end of the being-agreeable spectrum. This was fascinating since my friend can be a people-pleaser, but not at the expense of standing up for her beliefs. An antagonist would express a collection of traits and characteristics of aggression. Being at odds with family members is a common aspect of our divided society. The label landed as a harsh criticism of someone who often holds back to keep the peace.

Calling someone an antagonist is like accusing them of gaslighting or being a psychopath. My friend is a gifted counselor; labeling her with a personality disorder seems a little off. According to modern psychology, being at odds means having little compassion or empathy. Having disdain for others to the point of wanting to cast darkness on her children doesn’t fit the person I know. Out of my mouth popped a response, “What your children are trying to say is that you are a hero!” I was sure that wasn’t coming from me (tee hee)! Let’s explore what else doesn’t come from me on the subject of antagonism:

Why would you want to offer anything less than the truth? Being oppositional has many levels depending on several key factors. Aggression designed to dominate the relationship is power-based behavior. Expressing a different view is creating an opportunity for dialogue. The context and delivery will determine the nature of the position considered antagonistic. Taking the risk could lead to the reward called understanding.

Any fight against injustice can cast you as the villain, depending on the perspective. Even the hero can be misunderstood. There are times when a person doesn’t have the energy to face any level of opposition. This is where intuition comes in. When choosing to oppose another person, greater awareness can be your guide. If the timing is off, a confrontation out of proportion to the subject at hand can ensue. Hard feelings will block the energy around constructive dialogue.

The villain often finds the light within at the end of the story. Antagonism can be the search for a way out of the darkness. An interesting aspect of human life is found in an observable reality. People will sometimes take the path of finding out who they aren’t to truly know who they are. Life in a magnetic domain ensures such a reality. Where duality is inescapable, the darkness will offer an astounding opportunity. The choice is to push away from the darkness to gain the momentum when pulled toward the light.

Learn the language of love to offer agreement to disagree. Speaking your truth is opening the heart, which can bring fear. Don’t allow the fear to spark anger, for that is the moment your opinion will become invalid. Assertion with kindness is bravery expressed from the heart.

Bring joy, ease suffering and create beauty, then dance like you mean it!
Blessings, Russell

He that struggles with us strengthens our nerves, and sharpens our skill. Our antagonist is our helper. In all our pictures, we had an antagonist who becomes the good guy, and the underdog fulfills his quest.
Arthur Rankin, Jr.



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 Angel Whispers – Antagonist