Angel Whispers – Aptonym

Thanks for asking about this subject, Johnny! Aptonym is the term used for people whose names and occupations or situations (e.g., workplace) have a close correspondence. Psychologist Carl Jung wrote in his book Synchronicity that there was a “sometimes quite grotesque coincidence between a man’s name and his peculiarities.”

We call our names prior to birth; sometimes it is heard by the mother or father, and sometimes it isn't. Throughout history, people have chosen to take names that reflected their occupations, role, or interests. Modern examples would be Jules Angst, who wrote a book on anxiety. Collin Bass was a bassist in a rock band. Anthony Weiner was involved in sex scandals. An example of a person choosing to change their name would be Donald Trump, who resorts to name-calling, holds raucous rallies, and employs media savvy that makes him the subject of every conversation, which means he is playing the trump card. Well, you get the picture (tee hee).

Spiritually, one’s name holds a vibration. When that vibration doesn't feel like a match, the person might decide to change their name in order to come more into alignment with something at their core. A person’s name may hold a deeper meaning than we might realize. Let’s go deeper into the realm of angels and listen for a whisper on aptonym.

The Universe operates on rhythms and frequencies, like super highways for the spirit. While you are riding on the Cosmic vibrational wave, you might feel or sense a shift that tells you it is time to exit and make a turn down a different road. You are changing your vibration every time you shift, and following a vibrational thread to match a core frequency or core virtue. Anyone can shift between frequencies that alter the path, often with little awareness.

Before your current incarnation, you set a target for yourself. This target has a magnetic element, charged to help you draw forth the experiences that offer the greatest opportunity to master your chosen aspects of life. You gain freedom by acquiring the discipline needed to hit your target because it holds the greatest potential of transcending your life purpose. The more you can do to align yourself with your purpose, the easier you flow with life while attending the school of life.

Each person must be their inner authority with respect to creating the conditions under which they choose to live. Change the vibration and you change the conditions. The higher the alignment with the soul, the easier you draw the magnetic frequencies that match the soul template you created before birth. What seems like a subtle aspect regarding your name could be like fuel to a fire. Igniting your passion awakens your soul and drives your actions with impulses that are often removed from awareness or perception.

Be the surfer who is looking for the perfect wave, one that carries vibrations to match your destiny. Enjoy the process, like a spiritual sleuth searching to discover the truth about the mystery that surrounds your life. Feel the vibrations held by the name that you are called, and you will be more aware when the call is from spirit.   

Bring joy, ease suffering and create beauty, then dance like you mean it!
Blessings, Russell

“I read in a book once that a rose by any other name would smell as sweet, but I've never been able to believe it. I don't believe a rose WOULD be as nice if it was called a thistle or a skunk cabbage.”
L.M. Montgomery 

 Angel Whispers – Aptonym