Angel Whispers – Conspiracy

Amplified by the challenge of living in a modern world, conspiracy theories have gained traction. A bubble in the social media theater helps determine how we consume information. Every conspiracy has some shred of truth, so it’s easy to allow fear and uncertainty to influence beliefs. The appeal of conspiracies is that they help make sense of the problems we face and foster the feeling of power. Simple answers to complex problems put my mind to rest (tee hee).

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Any perception of the reality of life helps us explore our world view. A conspiracy is a secret plot by people or groups holding an agenda designed to bring harm. Fascination with a conspiracy grows when there is a cognitive bias. By nature, conspiracy theories provide a mental shortcut. We can use one to quickly reach a confirmation bias. If it’s hard to conceive, there must be an elaborate explanation of significant events.

One classic example is the belief that the moon landing was a hoax. Skepticism makes it easy to avoid any evidence that it might have really happened. Anyone with a general mistrust of the media or authorities is more susceptible to conspiracy theories. Can a conspiracy ever be a good thing? It seems this word brings a lot of negativity and victimhood along as baggage. Let’s join together and listen to the whispers from spirit on the subject of conspiracy:

Anyone who struggles with emotional dependency can be drawn to conspiracy theories. Being part of a group or community may reinforce a person’s identity and validate a belief out of fear. A sense of self and identity determines how one will maneuver the conspiracy landscape. Fear of disapproval leads to internalization of core values. It can be challenging to confront uncomfortable emotions from a position free of bias.

Conspiracy theories can provide the benefit of an alternate reality. Some will use conspiracy theories to regulate emotions, especially if they believe they’re being controlled by people or information. Conspiracy theories can also serve to immediately relieve a threat. They provide a coping mechanism and an ego defensive benefit. This alone can give meaning and importance to life. An inability to express and show you are a unique individual is the reduction of self-worth. When you go along with the crowd to avoid disapproval, you begin the struggle to be seen.

Developing the capacity to go within to uncover fear, worry, and uncertainty is the first step toward truth. Ask yourself how this information serves your greater good. Grounded mindfulness is needed to understand the complexities of life and to determine your true feelings. Rushing to judgment can place you in an automatic reactive state. To reach higher levels of maturity takes being able to separate thoughts from emotions.

Balance means being able to differentiate between the opinions of others and the freedom to define yourself. Acceptance of conflict allows for maintaining emotional connection in the face of adversity. Do not allow fear to replace authenticity. Instead of defending fragile perceptions, maintain a positive concept of a life seeking to know love.

Bring joy, ease suffering and create beauty, then dance like you mean it!
Blessings, Russell

“Why do we love the idea that people might be secretly working together to control and organize the world? Because we don’t like to face the fact that our world runs on a combination of chaos, incompetence and confusion.”
Jonathan Cainer

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We all need a little reminder from time to time, as it is human nature to sometimes focus on our flaws rather than the inherent beauty found within imperfection. At the IEL Institute for the Spiritual Arts, we invite you to explore the profound mysteries of life, which can add immeasurable value to your life experience.

Through our nurturing guidance, you can achieve energetic balance, allowing you to recognize the beautiful spirit that resides within you and others. This journey fosters gratitude, resonating at one of the highest vibrational frequencies. Take the first step toward transformation with our accessible monthly pricing, and open the door to the expansive metaphysical world.

We encourage you to reach out to Russell at contact us for a personalized consultation that addresses your unique needs. Embrace this opportunity for personal growth and spiritual empowerment, and discover the beauty that awaits you.


 Angel Whispers – Conspiracy