Angel Whispers – Cosmos

Cosmos is considered a synonym for the universe. The Greek word kosmos means order. Some believe that when the Big Bang occurred some 13 billion years ago, our universe was given a natural order. The Universe went from a hot mess of particles and leptons, to a structured development with clusters of galaxies held together by the mysterious dark matter. Its gravitational force repels, allowing the formless to take form. The result is an environment that shapes our current reality.

From simplicity to complexity, cosmopsychism is a thing (tee hee). The idea is the universe is conscious. Displaying psychological properties, the cosmos connects our minds to matter. In this way we get to individually experience life as beings with consciousness. Then it is our relationship with facts that leads us to understand the order of the universe.

The idea behind this whisper is a search for an explanation of life. Take grief, for example. It is easy to get overwhelmed by profound loss. Connection to the cosmic heart includes understanding due to a natural order. Such order offers different perspectives, balancing experiences in a way that lessens intensity. Belief in God does the same thing for some. Looking outside ourselves is one way to find balance. Others will turn inward to find a meaningful explanation of life. Let’s get more information from the whispers of spirit on the subject of the cosmos:

The Universe represents the totality of material matter and consciousness energy. It is a system of vibrational exchange facilitated by patterns. Movement of planets, stars, and other galaxies reveals a cosmic order of a shared existence. Order by design can be viewed through the lens of science, philosophy, and theology. The common thread is life-force energy.

Everything has its home in the cosmos where origin occurred. Energy moves through pathways from one star to the next. A molecular substance travels the cosmos in search of an ideal habitat. When conditions are favorable, life finds a way to begin a new journey. Adaptation provides the path for survival. Where limitations occur, transformation begins.

Dynamic patterns of intelligence are created by a living light. An ordered existence is possible due to the Universal truth carried by spirit. Radiance provides the perfect reflection of truth in the very existence of life. Within light, there is beauty that invigorates the human soul. It is through the radiant light that all of life is able to connect in the realm of consciousness.

The Cosmos holds a wondrous mystery. It is a great riddle waiting to be solved. A deep desire to solve the mystery is motivation for the soul to play the game of life. Meaning is found in facing a challenge that reveals the secrets of the Universe. Each person becomes an enigma within themselves in search of a home in the Cosmos. The spirit will always return to its origin in the warmth of an eternal living light.

Bring joy, ease suffering and create beauty, then dance like you mean it!
Blessings, Russell

“We are a way for the cosmos to know itself.”
Carl Sagan

 Angel Whispers – Cosmos