Angel Whispers – Faulty Information

As stated in the most recent whispers, the challenge with reading vibrations in the current energy pattern revolves around instability. There is no direct line to manifest my dreams, so I have to work harder to check in on every little move. Energy seems to oppose my gift of intuition and my expectations, or runs contrary to common sense. Am I living in two opposite worlds?

Maybe I am so conditioned to the instability in the world, it has entrained my senses! One side of me expects the unexpected, but is that the real me and someone I can trust? (tee hee) When my common experience is a constant flow of conflicting messages, where do I place my faith? Is the real me urging me to take a risk, or is that the one yelling to play it safe? The more unpredictable life becomes, the more opportunity for distortion and faulty information to take over my senses.

Seeking comfort doesn’t always lead me to what I’m looking for during a time when the goal of safety and normality is at a constant roar in our society. The past year held times of decision overload, which only added to the confusion. Counter-intuitive information seems more likely to produce the desired outcome. With the times comes great uncertainty, even when listening to the whispers of spirit. I am open to hearing the unexpected, so help me believe in a truth in the whisper on receiving faulty information:

The inner voice will always illuminate a path of safety. It takes a lot of energy to remain open to an unlikely alternative, especially one that involves significant risk. Sensitive people are conditioned to following their feelings, which produces resistance to facing a perceived threat. Rigidity is resistance. Desire for a smooth path influences the feeling side around any decision, creating faulty intuitive information from a place where the ego meets intuition.

When in doubt, strengthen your commitment to the truth of your reality. The universal impulse is to move away from pain, and withdraw to avoid conflict. Retreating can lead to mental distortions as you isolate to escape discomfort. Withdrawal means you are choosing to hold the experience with little chance of movement. Think of a container of poison food. You carry it around with you out of fear of harming others, leaving you to carry the negative energy.

Facing a painful situation with the willingness to feel the truth in any experience can lead to a greater understanding of another person, a situation, or your own feelings. In a moment of pain, your desires and expectations fall short. New opportunities to pivot toward acceptance can lead to discovering the information wasn’t faulty after all. Your soul was reaching for something outside your comfort zone. If you could predict every outcome, you might withdraw your commitment to your mission here on Earth.

The real counter-intuitive move is to ask for help. An admission of confusion is the energy that frees you from difficulty, allowing you to move forward with no painful ideas about how life is supposed to be. Commit to love with a commitment to be the best version of yourself, which comes from building character through facing adversity.


Bring joy, ease suffering and create beauty, then dance like you mean it!
Blessings, Russell


“I’m convinced that the best solutions are often the ones that are counterintuitive – that challenge conventional thinking – and end in breakthroughs.”
Nathaniel J. Wyeth

 Angel Whispers – Faulty Information