Angel Whispers – The Great Conjunction

We just experienced the Great Conjunction, a rare moment of epic proportions marking a key moment in human evolution. It’s hard to hold the proper perspective on an astrological event such as this. Is it the dawning of the Age of Aquarius, the Great Shift in Human Consciousness, the turn toward world peace, or the beginning of the end times? (tee hee) I’m not laughing at the idea the world is ending; I am more amused about all variety of opinions, and the fact that some of my most grounded friends have suddenly become soothsayers and psychics!

In the words of Edgar Cayce, we are replicas of our Solar System. The stars represent soul patterns, not experiences. The planets influence us when they come to a point of prominence in the sky, just as a person who had once lived in a certain city would be influenced by reading about it, meeting someone from the town, or by seeing photographs of it. These influences, Cayce says, are latent within the soul experience, not just because the stars are in a certain position at the time of birth. The soul actually had experiences in these realms. This is an energy the soul can draw on during its experience on Earth.

Jupiter is abundant energy, the direct presence of God or Creation energy, an energy that judges, and the energy of good fortune. Saturn is burn-down-house-and-start-all-over energy, also referred to as the Great Changer. When these two powerful influences align, there is the possibility of a shift in human consciousness, perhaps large for some and more subtle to others. Let’s get more from a whisper on the light from the heavens above.

Coming from a deep place within, some souls will feel the Great Conjunction more than others. The most powerful influences are by the souls who have spent more time with one or both energies. Jupiter is the philanthropist, giving away its abundant energy as a gift to humanity. Saturn presents the challenge for a soul to begin again at a starting place in movement toward a higher consciousness. Jupiter offers the elevated perspective, and Saturn compels one to take action and make the changes more aligned with one’s purpose for incarnating.

The planets serve as a reminder to get things done while you can by taking charge over your life. To do so, you must not only accept the lessons you have learned, but give each experience the honor, respect, and gratitude needed to express from the higher position. This is not a time to take the energy and make a prediction, but instead be mindful, take responsibility, and live in the moment. After all, there is nothing more than the present available right now.

Influence from these celestial bodies can evoke a remembrance of self. Who are you and why are you here? The answer is quickly forgotten by the developing child whose focus turns to survival. Yet the soul can’t forget. The Great Conjunction brings those memories to the surface as focused intentions, ideas, inspirations, courage, commitment, connection, and acceptance. Do not reject those core vibrations in a return to the same old patterns established by earthly conditions.

Move forward fearlessly with the change, despite any discomfort. Remember, it’s more about the journey than the destination, so slow down, stop trying so hard, and embrace the love for this life, for yourself, for the Earth, and for all of humanity.


Bring joy, ease suffering and create beauty, then dance like you mean it!
Blessings, Russell


“True love is so strong and at the same time confusing to understand—Perhaps, the force that move the planets is the same force that moves two lovers.”
― Mwanandeke Kindembo

 Angel Whispers – The Great Conjunction