Angel Whispers – Healthy Fear

I see a lot of people becoming annoyed with others over their perception of how others express fears. It’s true that fear is uncomfortable for some and debilitating for others. Yet, ignoring fear is like removing the smoke alarms because you don’t like the sound they make when your house is burning down (tee hee). We can claim to be fearless, but that doesn’t mean we have eliminated fear. More than likely, the emotion has been repressed. Repressed fear is like sending all your demons to the basement where they are out of sight and out of mind. But what if they are down there pumping iron and getting stronger in preparation for an unexpected anxiety attack!

Fear is an emotion that is part of the hard wiring of the brain. Feeling fear is neither abnormal nor a sign of weakness. The capacity to be afraid is part of normal brain function. In fact, any lack of fear may be a sign of serious brain damage, according to many experts in human psychology. Conditioned fear leads to anticipation anxiety. People can imagine something bad is about to happen. When a person is already living in fear, the energy is amplified by anything that adds to the current climate. So what can we do to ensure our fears are healthy? Where can we place the energy of fear? What would a whisper on the subject bring forward?

The emotion of fear is a combination of instinct and a learned response that influences behavior. Children are taught to be afraid of strangers. Certain religions teach fear of a devil or of a horrible fate for those who defy God’s will. Cultures will dictate things that deserve fear and widespread panic. The collective consciousness of humans can impose a non-linear influence of emotional content, especially to those who are empathetic. Human DNA carries energies that can trigger fear of the unknown or an unseen enemy.

When a global occurrence, like the spread of a highly contagious disease, threatens the sovereignty of the world, a nation, a group, or an individual, fear can become all-consuming. Being frozen by fear means your total focus is on the outcome, much like an animal freezes to avoid a predator. Doing nothing can turn fear into fright with a heightened state of hopelessness. Rumination can lead to the creation of more imagined fear, leading to overwhelm.

What is absent in a fear that debilitates people is a knowledge-based objective that titrates the emotion. Taking action is the healthiest response to fear, because movement brings stability, similar to a person who changes their diet because of a health scare. The current conditions are asking humans to change what they are consuming. No one will make a good decision when consumed by fear, yet beautiful strategies can emerge when the emotional energy perceived as negative is channeled toward a solution.

Universal Laws dictate that for every action there is a reaction. Some believe this is the same as karma. It is a good practice to look at what fear is creating in your life, in order to raise the vibration. For every fear, an awareness has accumulated in the human energy channels. Motion opens the channels and brings forward the awareness. Ignoring or suppressing the unpleasant feeling of fear closes the channels that hold self-awareness. Don’t be intimidated by what fear may bring, for you are tapping into a fountain of courage.

Bring joy, ease suffering and create beauty, then dance like you mean it!
Blessings, Russell

“When feeling fear stop and ask yourself ‘What’s the awareness?’ then take action based on your newfound awareness. “

 Angel Whispers – Healthy Fear