Angel Whispers – Infinite

Infinite is one of those words where every person might have a different definition. It means without limits or beyond measure. Continuing forever without end is another definition. Things with no boundaries, time, space, or measurable magnitude are considered infinite. Last week’s whisper on inconceivable might apply to the word infinite as well. When I consider a problem, some part of me likes to think there are infinite solutions. This would be despite the fact that I cannot come up with a single answer at times (tee hee).

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One thing that gets my attention is that infinite does have one limitation. It cannot grow or shrink. The Bible teaches that God is infinite, and Jesus teaches that life is eternal. When our life on Earth ends, it continues somewhere else in some other form. Infinity is therefore something we cannot intellectually comprehend. It will remain something found only in the mystery.

In some way, the meaning of infinite will have to remain baffling. It has little bearing on life in a world constrained by three dimensions. At the heart of our concept of creation is the theory of a Big Bang. In a sudden expansion of matter, multiple universes were created. It is a giant puzzle of a scheme called evolution. There is an invisible notion we use to describe consciousness. The only way we can communicate an understanding of such notions around the infinite is with language. That means it’s time for the language from the dimension of infinite energy. This is what I refer to as a whisper from spirit:

There is a silent space where thoughts emerge from awareness. The language from that space does not begin as a thought, but rather as an energy. Vibrations occupy the gap between the unconscious and the conscious. Language is the energy that vibrates in that space to evoke feelings or sensations. Thoughts are formed to bind the infinite and to capture the essence of consciousness.

Existing in a world held in place by boundaries leads to the creative expression of the infinite. The mystery of life is contained in the stories woven together to provide an explanation of life. Where limitations are used to cloak the eternal flame of each soul, there are those who search for the truth. In the light of truth, one can find their home and place in a world with imaginary boundaries.

When touching the infinite, transformation is occurring. Expansion of human energy is where limitations are broken to experience a moment of freedom. A lift of spirit into the field of awareness that there is an environment without limits. It’s a connection to a conscious state that has transcended time and space. Such moments are remembrance of the eternal nature of energy where there is no beginning and no end.

A single spark transformed dark matter into a living light that is both unique and rare. It’s a shared collective of the infinite that is the birthright of every soul. When one can conceive of the infinite, they are at home with the awareness that love springs eternal. Human nature is to desire transformation from the mystery to the knowing of the language spoken by the Universe.

Bring joy, ease suffering and create beauty, then dance like you mean it!
Blessings, Russell

There is a fifth dimension, beyond that which is known to man. It is a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity. It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition.
Rod Serling


inner child

Is this card for you?

At the IEL Institute for the spiritual Arts, we like to play with all things metaphysical. Healing energy is connecting with the upper vibrations.

This card may be asking you to lighten up and learn something new. The master level classes can help you learn how to maintain great energy levels. The 7.3 on Life-Force Energy will give you great information to help you keep up the vibe.

Another message is that is is a fertile time for you, so create something new and exciting today! Become a monthly member at the IEL Institute for the Spiritual Arts.

 Angel Whispers – Infinite