Angel Whispers – Johari Window

This whisper dives into a model for self-improvement. Building on the subjects of three selves and blind spots, let’s dive in! Johari combines the first names of two people who focused on the original idea to improve communication. Joseph Luft and Harry Ingham were American psychologists interested in enhancing perception. Johari Window is a feedback/disclosure model based on trust and learning. Trust grows through discovering information about yourself. Learning comes through feedback from others that leads to greater self-awareness.

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The model represents four areas. The Open area is all the things you know about yourself. Others know the same things about you. The second area holds the Blind Spots. These are the things unknown to you, but known by others. Then there is the Hidden part or Façade. These are things known by you but not known by others. The fourth area is the Unknown, things that are not known by you or by others. Think of it as four panes to the same window. Information can transfer from one pane to another, which is the result of building trust.

Trust builds through feedback that grows self-awareness and socialization. The Open area is where most of the feedback occurs. Attitudes, behaviors, emotions, skills, and biases come into view through this window pane (tee hee). Relationship dynamics feed the largest area of self-improvement. As the Open area widens, the Blind Spot area decreases. Both areas can expand with downward movement, reducing the Hidden and the Unknown. Any tool used to increase self-awareness is an effective method of expanding consciousness. Let’s use another tool that I call Angel Whispers to expand on the Johari Window:

Revealing your self depends on the level of willingness to discover certain truths. Attitudes and biases make it difficult to accept anything previously rejected. Information known by you grows with self-awareness. Others may interpret the same information to reach a conclusion opposing yours. Blind spots vanish when you understand and accept another perspective on the same information.

There is always personal information that is not necessary to reveal. Secrets and deep-seated emotions can support the need for privacy. Hidden information is energetically held in a bubble of containment. This energy has a natural movement involved. Information can surface with upward movement into the Open. Each area can expand and contract depending on circumstances. Personal evolution creates the highest level of movement with the growth of self-awareness.

The area of the Unknown holds the energy connected to past trauma. Some traumas are hidden for lifetimes. This type of energy is the most challenging to create movement. It takes great intention and the willingness to look through the window of time. The mirror provides the most challenging aspect of growth and development. There is great difficulty attached to self-honesty. But there is also the greatest opportunity for positive change. In the Unknown area, you might find a hidden talent or unrealized capacity. Through the discovery of the positive qualities, traumas can heal. Growth of self-love and acceptance develops the best version of your future self.

Bring joy, ease suffering and create beauty, then dance like you mean it!
Blessings, Russell

“Whose ideas breathe through me? Am I a thief? Do I dream my own dreams?”
Suzy Davies


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The 1.4 of the IEL Institute for the Spiritual Arts is a module dedicated to the subject of Meditation. Understanding the various aspects can help you find the perfect practice for you. With a devotion to your discipline, you can grow your skills as a visionary.

In to day’s world, it is easy to get lost in the forest of human energy. By elevating your vibe, the big picture becomes clear. From this perspective, your life is guided by your ability to cultivate the virtues and values aligned with your mission on Earth. Let us help you with that purposeful direction!

 Angel Whispers – Johari Window