Angel Whispers – Piezoelectric

Humans are biomechanic beings. This is due in part to bioelectricity, otherwise known as the piezoelectric effect. Piezo is the Greek word for pressure. Piezoelectricity denotes electricity produced applying pressure through mechanical means. In humans and animals, this occurs through natural motions of the organs. Such motion can yield significant power that could exceed practical applications. This has been observed in field clinical conditions.

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Have you ever experienced twitching or muscle spasms while receiving healing energy? If so, you have experienced the piezoelectric effect. Some gifted individuals have skills of producing electric shocks through their hands. We are bioelectric mechanical beings capable of producing and transferring current. In other words, we produce energy comparable to any battery-sourced operation.

Marcel Vogel discovered the piezoelectric effect in crystals. Applying light pressure, you can generate heat and low-level radiation in a crystal. You can transfer the energy from the crystal to the intended target. He also discovered crystalline structures throughout the human body. The ability to manipulate such a phenomenon can create tremendous healing and longevity. This is the reason crystals are found in traditional and non-traditional healing environments. There’s no doubt we humans don’t know the extent of our own power, but we are learning (tee hee). Let’s find out more using a bioelectric connection to the living light known as angels who whisper:

Natural healing is achieved through reaching higher levels of conscious awareness. In order to reach those levels, one must learn to access and amplify one’s own natural power to heal. Sensory access to the internal workings of the mind, body, and spirit reveals the true power within. Reaching optimal health requires intentional movement used to manipulate human bio-mechanical systems.

There are essential aspects to mastering such skills. One is developing a practice that allows for getting in touch with human energy. The process of being intentional about personal discovery cannot be overstated. Sensing the power within is a first step. The next is to move toward the outward expressions of transferring energy. Learning a discipline opens channels that reveal the human potential. Yoga is one practice that can lead to such discoveries, but there are many others. Each individual can find the one that fits their specific natural development.

Balanced input and output of energy is essential to reaching higher skill levels. Too much sensory stimulation builds resistance, while more output than input creates leaks in human energy. Obtaining balance is the key to regulation of pressure that produces the piezoelectric effect. Tools can be used for personal evolution. The use of crystals, singing bowls, and devices that transfer light are a few examples.

Humans must move beyond mere survival in a world where people carry high levels of anxiety. Optimal health advantages come from steady progress as you climb the mountain of life. You must recognize the potential within for greater access to the upper realms where the real magic is found.

Bring joy, ease suffering and create beauty, then dance like you mean it!
Blessings, Russell

“The word piezoelectric is derived from the Greek words piezein, which means “to squeeze or press,” and piezo, which means to “push.” So it’s no coincidence that I ask you to hold your breath and squeeze those intrinsic muscles. When you do this, you are pushing cerebrospinal fluid up against the pineal gland, exerting mechanical stress on it. This mechanical stress translates into an electrical charge, and it’s this exact action that compresses the stacked crystals in the pineal gland and creates a piezoelectric effect: The crystals of the pineal gland generate an electric charge in response to the stress you’re applying.”
Joe Dispenza



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 Angel Whispers – Piezoelectric