Angel Whispers – Prejudgement

We live in a world where there is a constant bombardment of information. It’s like an uninterrupted hum of static that if you try to ignore it, you get ALL CAPS INSTEAD (tee hee). Our prejudgment comes less and less from experiences. A nonstop assault on the nervous system will take a toll. Look at how many people suffer from anxiety and the dreaded busy mind. I see the issue as one linked to awareness.

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One-dimensional awareness is connected to the “reduction valve’ in the brain. Aldous Huxley pointed to this aspect as a reason for narrow fixation. Our human nature is to reject reason in order to justify a limited view of the world. E.g., the desire to be rich and famous leads to a bias against those who are not. The reduction valve is what limits awareness to create a host of prejudgments. Nationalism, racism, tribalism, and other extreme positions are the tragic power of self-delusion. Limited awareness is ultimately what separates us. Without limiting beliefs, we move in higher dimensional living. There you will find the connection that comes with elevated awareness. As you can see, I am seeking to understand the current state of the world. My inquiry surrounds the question of what connects us all and what divides us.

Let’s join together in a whisper on prejudgment.

Where prejudgment anchored in bias exists, human potential is lost. Derogatory labeling is the product of one-dimensional thinking. Each person must decide between prejudgment and an experience free from preconceived notions. Only with an open heart can you cross the gap between limiting thoughts and multidimensional awareness. Hatred cannot exist in a space filled with love.

The ego is tasked with making judgments in order to have the best chance of survival. Ego influences the mind to cast judgment as part of the survival mechanism. The heart will feel the energy to transmit a message to the ego mind. In the struggle between the heart and mind is the smallest of openings. A portal to higher consciousness exists between the two. This is the gateway to the upper realms of consciousness.

One must decide to leave prejudgment behind to enter the upper dimensions of higher consciousness. It takes concerted effort to develop such awareness. Some are not motivated to maximize human potential. Complacency exists where acceptable behavior is contrary to reason. To resist one-dimensional thinking requires responsibility to truth and reason.

Negative emotions such as fear, hatred, and bitterness form a cognitive reduction valve. Movement into other dimensions is the most solitary aspect of the journey and is experienced only by the awakening soul. Release from prejudgment is transcending toward greater awareness. Higher dimensions of consciousness are where you discover the true connection to humanity.

Bring joy, ease suffering and create beauty, then dance like you mean it! Blessings, Russell

“It is the height of irony to prejudge someone of prejudice.” Tessa Crowley

  angel whisper card mystic

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Well the card speaks for itself. You’re a mystic in a material world, which means living in a 3d world with a burning desire to explore the other dimensions. At the IEL Institute, we strive to support that exploration while allowing science to explain the phenomenon that is life.

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 Angel Whispers – Prejudgement