Angel Whispers – Restless Soul Syndrome (RSS)

I was working with a client, performing an in-depth energy assessment. In my most serious tone, I uttered, “Oh no, I’m afraid I have some not-so-good news.”

“What is it?” The concern was there as the client responded.

“You have RSS, which is Restless Soul Syndrome.” I paused for dramatic effect. “That’s a made-up term I created.”

My client laughed, then went silent before saying, “Well……it resonated.”

Jesus walked on water at the Sea of Galileo as a message to humanity. We can lighten the load and uncouple from the emotional content that accumulates as part of daily life. Everyone has the ability to cleanse the spirit, lifting the burdens of life. Now feels like a critical time for our species. How can we become so light-hearted that we enjoy a pleasant life?

If we can somehow manage, it’s possible to cure RSS and other stories filled with fear that we make up in our minds. Let’s get a whisper on the restless soul and how to lighten things up with a whisper from an angel on the subject:

A restless soul is experienced as anxiety that develops from a deep place within, often connected to life purpose. The inner landscape holds an unseen energy that moves to compel the spirit forward. Compulsive behavior is a movement of life-force energy compelled to action. The destiny of a soul does not involve a predetermined experience. A destined outcome is influenced by soul patterns to create a non-linear piece to a grand puzzle.

One can feel a time to take action is upon them, yet remain unsure about the direction of that movement. Uncertainty means the motor is running, the foot is on the gas, but clarity has been relegated to the background. This can create a compression of energy that has collected in the body with no direct outlet. The most common compression is in the area of the head and heart. When the head area has an overabundance of energy, the root cannot maintain a balanced flow of energy, resulting in anxiety, ungrounding, mental fog, and depression. Such internal chaos indicates that all the information needed to make a clear decision has not come forward.

The need during periods of deep internal restlessness is discharge. Frozen energy needs an open channel to flow. This can be accomplished by exercise or body movement like dancing, walking, running, jumping, or anything that creates vibration. Laughter creates a vibration that lifts the energy and lightens the spirit. Beauty calms the spirit and fills the soul with calming light. Hugging a person heart-to heart grounds the energy and expands the aura. Cleaning and decluttering your space creates room to breathe and expand in a space with refreshed energy.

Romance is falling in love. Be a romantic and fall in love with life. This is one of the best times to be alive. If love for life cannot be realized, the message is take action to change your conditions. Do something different to change your conditioning. Lighten your spirit with a consciousness connected to the feeling of walking on water. Follow your dreams and you will heal the pains of the past while you reach for the stars. No one is stopping you but you.

Bring joy, ease suffering and create beauty, then dance like you mean it!
Blessings, Russell

“My soul is impatient with itself, as with a bothersome child; its restlessness keeps growing and is forever the same. Everything interests me, but nothing holds me. I attend to everything, dreaming all the while. […]. I’m two, and both keep their distance. Siamese twins that aren’t attached.” ― Fernando Pessoa

 Angel Whispers – Restless Soul Syndrome (RSS)