Angel Whispers – Undermine

The dominant energy shaping our lives at this moment is creating a type of opposition. One energy influences setting goals, looking at finances, acknowledging achievements, and understanding aspirations. In combination is the energy that represents your inner world. The mystery is where I find my deepest desire to know the truth. Without that, I don’t have the most accurate perspective.

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Our inner landscape demands detective work. With all the disinformation presented, it takes an effort to sort through what is accepted as truth. Sorting through the two energies could take a lot of time and energy. It will take determination and willingness to find alignment through discovery. This month could be quite revealing due to the influence of these dynamic energies. Part of the process will depend on the forces that undermine conscious awareness. Misinformation, secrets, and criticism from others are at the top of the list of those forces (tee hee).

To undermine is to subvert or weaken. The literal translation of undermine is to dig a hole underneath to create a collapse. It takes strength and conviction to avoid collapse. I don’t know about you, but I perform better when operating with the truth. It’s all about shaping reality with an understanding of things that undermine truth. Central to undermining is the effect of moral disengagement. The inner work mentioned above is being aware of the conditions that lead to loss of integrity. It’s time for some inner work with the help of a whisper on the subject of undermine:

The best way to bridge the two energies is with patience. There is a subtle tension in your world that says you must remain in constant movement toward the goal. Tension is who you think you are. Your inner world is where to find the truth of your existence. It is a peaceful place where the mind, body, and spirit relax in the illumination of truth.

Misinformation is a constant threat to connecting to your inner world. You are playing an ancient social game of power, manipulation, and control. The true escape from those conditions comes with the freedom of self-expression. Stress and pressure can motivate optimal performance. The best preparation involves exploration of the energy from within.

Truth is discovered by the willingness to seek out the secrets of your own internal universe. Searching the mysteries of the heart and soul leads to greater alignment with your mission on earth. Vibrational alignment often depends on divine time. Know when to be patient, and wait for the right moment for energy to flow. Forcing the issue will undermine your faith in timing, increasing the chance of losing touch with divinity.

Earthly conditions, both internal and external, will always dig the hole that creates collapse. Truth is the bridge that crosses the gap. When tension leaves the body, you are left with the peace of knowing the unvarnished truth. There you will find stability that cannot be undermined. Accept yourself with all your strengths and weaknesses. For it is in that truth you will find the strength of a soul traveling the Cosmos in search of love.

Bring joy, ease suffering and create beauty, then dance like you mean it!
Blessings, Russell

You should never undermine friendship and loyalty.
Toyah Willcox



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 Angel Whispers – Undermine