Working in the healing arts has been an interesting second career choice. It was my answer to a calling. My desire to be in services fueled several manifestations. The Crystal Light Table and the metaphysical training platform are examples. Many great teachers supported the information I share with others. A large part of the content came through whispers from the non-physical dimension. The subject of unwinding was in the early whispers of this personal chapter.
The subject of unwinding was in the early whispers of this personal chapter. It is a message that is often repeated, even from our helpers who live in the stars. A good friend once told me that he fell and hit a tree with his head. There was such pain that he instinctively placed his head on the tree at the point of impact. The 6-year-old demanded the tree take it back. A swirling energy ensued as the pain was drawn from his head. This was unwinding from the innocent perspective of a child.
For my personal healing, I often use unwinding. To go back to the day before I was exposed to the flu is one example. Going back to the age of 5, I unwind from a life-threatening kidney disease. Advanced beings message the use of a type of camera that detects when the disharmony began. With that information, their healing device helps unwind to a time when optimum health was the reality. Let’s tune in together and receive a whisper on unwinding:
The Earth provides an environment with limitations of space and time. Unwinding is the process of working with those constraints that include personal evolution. Time travel is a function of leaving the gravitational pull of the Earth. One must consciously enter the Astral Planes to unwind with intent.
Humans impose limitations on themselves through their thoughts, beliefs, and personal patterns. The obstacles of life on Earth include restricted movement and sensory overwhelm. The complex environment renders a lack of feedback as far as simulating what is possible. The reality of unwinding is not an interaction available to all. Vibrations connected to an unwinding event are not easy to comprehend. Most need the direct experience. Facilitation is often required for comprehension that leads to understanding.
Immersion into the process of unwinding carries considerable risk. Leaving the body to enter Astral travel is complex by design. Overextension of the process can lead to further concerns. To unwind is best supported by meditation that establishes the deepest connections. Exploring the inner landscape helps determine the best path toward the goal of healing. Traveling the outer landscape leads to connection with powerful and resourceful guides.
Advancing personal evolution is the overarching goal to healing the mind, body, and spirit. The ability to break the bond between the lower and upper etheric body takes a firm commitment. Think of time like your bedroom closet. Is this part of your lifestyle in disorder? Put your physical life in order to allow personal healing to take the same path of order. Personal evolution begin in the privacy of your most intimate experiences. This is the space where self-love blossoms.
Bring joy, ease suffering and create beauty, then dance like you mean it!
Blessings, Russell
“A problem can’t be solved by the same consciousness that created it.”
Judson Brewer
Is this card for you?
This whisper was written while I was at the Texas Coast. I randomly selected a card for this week’s whisper when this one appeared. Here I was back at the coast sitting in the same spot where the inspiration occurred. This not only a message of synchronicity, but a message from deceased loved ones.
The 2.2 of the IEL Institute for the Spiritual Arts is designed to help you get in touch with your spirit guides and loved ones. Even if you have little interest in the subject of mediumship, you can learn soul-to-soul communication for healing and personal growth.