Angel Whispers – Unstable Vibrations

Others tell my I’m accurate with my predictions, so I have often wondered why it’s so challenging for a psychic or intuitive to predict the winning numbers. All you have to do is have a vision of a few numbers, right? My curiosity got the best of me when I finally did what I encourage others to do, which is ask, ask, ask! Why is it so challenging to predict the lottery? The answer came without hesitation in two words: unstable vibrations. The light bulb went off! Of course the vibrations aren’t stable enough to get a good read. This happens frequently in other situations where the future vibrations are the focus of my questioning.

Any situation driven by free will increases the chance for unpredictability. With the lottery there is no free will at play, just air moving balls. (ha ha) Even the weather can be easier to predict because of stable air masses bumping up against unstable air masses to create a predictable pattern. Then there is destiny. You could be destined to win the lottery, but if you don’t get off the couch and buy the ticket, chances are great you will not win. Let’s get off the couch and move toward destiny with a message about unstable vibrations.

When it comes to large-scale operations with multiple variables that lead to a variety of outcomes, the vibrations can be very unstable. The more energy left to chance, the greater the opportunity for the vibrations to form a type of wobble. A lottery drawing is like the stock market, with energy driven by collective vibrations projected by emotions of fear or confidence. Free will creates dominant vibrations connected to control energy leading to an unpredictable outcome.

Humans are beautifully unpredictable. Even in your own daily life there are multiple choices. Some might seem rather mundane or insignificant, yet they help determine the journey. Some souls are heavy on the free-will side and light on the destiny, while others are the opposite. The purpose for incarnation involves many variables, and some cannot be fully understood. There are also resting souls, which means they are not here to get a lot done in terms of growth and development. This doesn’t mean they are guaranteed a peaceful life, but it could influence resistance to change and avoiding spiritual work or seeking answers to their future.

Acknowledging the situations and circumstances where the vibrations are unstable will help with clear communication with spirit, improved trust, and greater understanding of the hidden worlds. In the Universe’s architecture, vibrations are the fabric and love is the stitching that binds all matter. Regardless of the nature of vibrational stability, one can remain flexible and fluid to ride on top of the waves of energy that make life exhilarating. Love it all and let the joy of uncertainty propel you into the future with no assumptions or unrealistic expectations.

Bring joy, ease suffering and create beauty, then dance like you mean it!
Blessings, Russell


“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”
― Nikola Tesla

 Angel Whispers – Unstable Vibrations