
Angel Whispers – Sacred Relationships

The word ‘sacred’ has many meanings, and each person may view this word from a slightly different perspective. Sacred can mean Holy, of God, connected to God, or containing some religious aspect. Sacred can also mean deserving of respect. Shouldn’t we hold all relationships as sacred? Have you seen...

Angel Whispers – The Buffalo Dream

Dreamland had some interesting twists and turns last night (tee hee). From micro dogs and cats launching a weird, pathetic attack, to me eating directly off the plates of some rude people at a restaurant. There were too many details for an overall interpretation, but one part of the...

Angel Whispers – Imagination


Imagination is defined as forming mental images or concepts of what is not actually present to the senses. The angels often whisper that we should daydream a little more often, as it becomes our way of wordlessly messaging spirit guides our hopes and dreams. Daydreaming seems like one form...

Angel Whispers – Personal Boundaries

The angels often whisper the need for good personal boundaries, with the key being to avoid building a wall that leads to separation. They suggest having a gatekeeper who helps ensure relationships are expressed in wellness. With the strong emotional energy behind personal expressions in today’s world, there is...

Angel Whispers – Decisional Consciousness

last lifetime

It’s our Higher Self that knows everything about us, not our minds. In essence, we may be making decisions based on faulty intelligence (tee hee). Attitudes, desires, emotions, personality, identity, and conditions are all influential factors in making decisions. When detached from emotional influences, we might possibly be more...

Angel Whispers – Stability


In business, there is a term called stability strategy. This refers to adopting a strategic plan when the organization seeks to maintain its current position in the market. Perhaps the cost of growth cannot be matched by returns. Maybe the market cannot provide sustainable growth and stability, given the...

Angel Whispers – Twilight Learning

twilight learning

This subject captured my fascination over the last few days, which generally points to a whisper.(tee hee) The energy of a whisper normally begins with my search for answers to questions like: Why do people experience an awakening as a result of trauma? Why are so many people turning...

Angel Whispers – Listening


Listening is defined as giving one's attention to sound or action. Listening involves complex affective, cognitive, and behavioral processes. Affective processes include the motivation to attend to others. Cognitive processes include attending to, understanding, receiving, and interpreting content and relational messages. Behavioral processes include responding with verbal and nonverbal...

Angel Whispers – Patterns


Patterns are defined as a consistent and recurring characteristic or trait that helps in the identification of a phenomenon or problem, and serves as an indicator or model for predicting future behavior. Oh boy, now I can use my patterns to predict my future behavior (tee hee). If you’re...