Last weekend provided one of those moments in life that became indelibly etched in the story of my soul. When a friend encouraged me to become ordained through an online service so that I could be a wedding officiate, I complied without much resistance. Little did I know that...
Angel Whispers – Sweetness
According to Forbes magazine, the average American consumes more than 130 pounds of sugar each year, which is enough to fill a dumpster with Skittles over an entire lifetime (tee tee). In 1822, the average person consumed 45 grams of sugar each year, which is less than the total...
Angel Whispers – Our Thoughts Are Not Our Thoughts
Thanks to Chris for requesting an angel whisper on the subject. I wrote to ask him to speak more on what these words mean to him. Chris answered, “It means I am connected to the One Mind through my mind. Mind, Idea, Expression. The expression of my vibration creates...
Angel Whispers – Healing Ourselves
Have you ever come away from a healing session feeling worse? If so, what was your perception? Did the healer do a disservice? Was it your sense that, based on the way you felt, some significant shift occurred? You should have seen my typo on the word ‘shift’! (lol) ...
Angel Whispers – Inner Child
Jaeda DeWalt, self-taught photographic artist and poet, says, “Imagination is our inner child, and creativity its playground.” Everyone has their own inner child. The process of letting your inner child come out to play can include the process of healing that part of yourself. People are often wounded as...
Angel Whispers – The Forgiveness Bypass
Thanks to Gib for sending me the article by Jeff Brown in the Elephant Journal, 10 Ways to Bypass the Real. Jeff writes about the many ways that the New Age movement has brought the greater need to understand the branches of the spiritual bypass tree. The modern spiritual...
Angel Whispers – The Shadow Self
Carl Jung characterized the shadow self as the unknown dark side of the personality. According to Jung, the shadow self is both instinctive and irrational. The shadow side of ourselves becomes prone to psychological projection. A perceived personal inferiority is internally recognized as a moral deficiency, which leads to...
Angel Whispers – The Spiritual Revolution
An article in the January 2016 Natural Awakenings, published by Shelly Searle, includes Dr. Bruce Lipton discussing ‘epigenetics' as the foundation for health. The future of individual wellness may be demanding that we rise above (epi means above) the concepts of predetermined genetics with regard to emotions, thoughts, and...
Angel Whispers – Homosexualtiy
Fernando is a loyal whisperee who often sends a donation toward the expense of putting out the weekly Whisper. So when he made the request for a whisper, I could hardly refuse (tee tee). As a heterosexual, he is trying to understand the divisiveness and controversy his LGBT friends...
Angel Whispers – Enthusiasm
A loyal whisperee writes: My theme for the year is Enthusiasm! It comes from the Greek word entheos which means in God or inspired or possessed by a God. Wondering what the Angels have to say about this word. What a great theme for the year, There! I like...