
Angel Whispers – Shame and Truth


Shame is such a deep subject, an emotion that seems illusive to trace. Perhaps this is due to a layering effect and the challenge that comes with how to express shame. Shame is defined as a painful feeling of humiliation or distress caused by the consciousness of wrong or...

Angel Whispers – Mercury Retrograde

Mercury Retrograde always makes things interesting, especially for anyone who is aware of their sensitivity to the effects of planetary movements. For those who are in touch with this type of influence, you might know the pre-shadow of the current Mercury Retrograde in Aries started March 8th. The post-shadow...

Angel Whispers – Limitations


I often wonder how we so easily find limitations in such a big modern world. Is it possible we have been controlled by others for so long, it’s now part of our DNA to fear our own power? Are limitations more Cosmic in nature, in that we must experience...

Angel Whispers – The Thrive Factor

In Arianna Huffington’s book Thrive, she describes her thrive factor formula. She promotes actions which include positive physical and behavioral health practices such as mindfulness, downtime, giving to others, and a renewed connection with your deepest values. It involves what she calls “evicting the obnoxious roommate in your head,”...

Angel Whispers – Conditioning


The word conditioning is a noun that means having a significant influence that in some way helps determine the manner or outcome. The secondary definition means bringing something into the desired state for use. Conditioning occurs as the result of the circumstances affecting the way in which people live...

Angel Whispers – Certainty


The angel whisper theme over the past week has been around the need for certainty. If my clients had certainty, would they be coming to see me? (tee tee) Certainty is perfect knowledge that has total security from error, or the mental state of being without doubt. Objectively defined,...

Angel Whispers – Consequence

A consequence is a result or effect of an action or condition. B.F. Skinner (1904-1990) is best known for developing the theory of Operant Conditioning, which uses re-enforcers or consequences to change behavior. According to this theory, the rate at which a certain behavior occurs is determined not by...

Angel Whispers – Intuition and Consciousness


According to the US National Library of Medicine – National Institutes of Health, intuition represents an unconscious cognitive activity, the results of which become conscious at some point. Their study led to understanding how patterns are established from the unconscious behaviors that match cognition to become conscious actions under...

Angel Whispers – Choosing to Love

choosing to love

Many of the angelic messages for February have been around the importance of choosing love. Many people are in relationships that began when another person was attracted to them. When someone shows interest, it can be flattering. But what if problems arise in the relationship? What goes on inside...