
Angel Whispers – Thoughts 2,3, and 4

I’m sure everyone has experience sitting in a restaurant or public place and overhearing a conversation that compels you to listen in (tee hee). Sometimes people are talking so loudly, there is no escaping becoming a forced listener. Then there are conversations where single words and phrases seem to...

Angel Whispers – The Energy of Hope

Millions of people are living in poverty across the globe, and despite the wealth this country enjoys, there are an estimated 44 million people in the US who exist on very little. Our current Housing Secretary, former neurosurgeon Ben Carson, recently stated, “I think poverty to a large extent...

Angel Whispers – Sociopaths

Thanks, Tara, for the whisper suggestion for this week and for writing: I'm wondering if you could ask/address what purpose sociopaths have on earth? In a recent experience, these rare individuals derive satisfaction when they create miserable conditions/misery for others. Did these souls incarnate to spur lessons for those...

Angel Whispers – Thyroid Bioenergetics

The endocrine gland system is responsible for balancing body chemistry. Each gland plays a role in the overall system from a physical standpoint. Each gland also plays a role in the spiritual aspects of a person’s life, and may be connected to the awakening energies. In my experience, even...

Angel Whispers – Mother

As my mother reaches her 92nd birthday, I am watching her struggle with the challenges that are a natural part of aging. She has always taken good care of herself emotionally, physically, and spiritually, serving as a great role model. She has not suffered with any major illness, and...

Angel Whispers – Boredom

I am endlessly curious about people becoming bored. Instead of scratching it, I try to breathe and be with my feelings and my environment. It often turns into a consciousness meditation and feeling grateful for my surroundings, my life, my world. Endless opportunities for stimulation exist everywhere one might...

Angel Whispers – Multitasking

Multitasking is defined as the performance of multiple jobs at one time. Breathing and walking at the same time are multiple tasks that don’t require a high level of focus and are not part of this definition. We are taking about doing more than one task simultaneously, where each...