
Angel Whispers – Revival


If you’re not willing to leave your comfort zone by your own accord, then get ready. You are about to be pushed outside the illusion of control (tee hee). We are experiencing energetic patterns gently delivered to our corner of the Universe. This year has been one astrological event...

Angel Whispers – Diversity


My financial advisor wants to see diversity in my portfolio. Why? Because it helps keep my finances strong and stable. I live in a place where people from different backgrounds form a community. My family is made of people who share a common aspect of their DNA, yet each...

Angel Whispers – Determination


Someone used this one word to describe the way a person lived their life. Self-determination describes a person who is independent. They have learned to make their own choices and decisions. Not everyone owns this ability. Determination is an attitude or sensation characterized by a strong commitment. To witness...

Angel Whispers – Trigger


Ever thought you are on the right path, only to get knocked off-course by something insignificant? Your evolved self has done the work, and the past is nothing more than a distant memory. Healing took form and shaped your character, having overcome the obstacles. Then bam, your evolved self...

Angel Whispers – Closure


It took a jury less than an hour to return a guilty verdict. The woman accused of conspiracy to murder our family member would face sentencing. Sitting through that experience was one of the most difficult two weeks of my life. The following weekend, someone came up to me...

Angel Whispers – Shaping


Donald Hoffman is a cognitive scientist and philosopher with a radical theory. In his book The Case Against Reality, time and space are not fundamental to the perception of reality. Our complex brains have simultaneously created a simplified version of life, along with shaping a projection of a complex...

Angel Whispers – Not Accepted

not accepted

I was hurting for another person when my protective nature charged into action. Witnessing the neglect and frustration motivated me to speak up for my partner. I lashed out with some hurtful language of my own and sent the text. I said something I didn’t really believe as a...

Angel Whispers – Making Amends

make amends

Making amends comes from a deep place of self-awareness. The first part of the process involves admitting you may have made a mistake. Few are willing own a mistake or go to such a vulnerable place. Everyone can experience making poor judgments to some degree. Say you blurted out...

Angel Whispers – Unfocused


“Why are they called buildings?” comedian Stephen Wright asks. “They should be called builts” (tee hee) The same type of inquiry can be directed at us. Why are we called human beings when few know how to be? Aren’t we conditioned to act as human doers? When we’re constantly...