
Angel Whispers – Boredom

I am endlessly curious about people becoming bored. Instead of scratching it, I try to breathe and be with my feelings and my environment. It often turns into a consciousness meditation and feeling grateful for my surroundings, my life, my world. Endless opportunities for stimulation exist everywhere one might...

Angel Whispers – Multitasking

Multitasking is defined as the performance of multiple jobs at one time. Breathing and walking at the same time are multiple tasks that don’t require a high level of focus and are not part of this definition. We are taking about doing more than one task simultaneously, where each...

Angel Whispers –  Feeling Lost?

Are you feeling lost? Many people are struggling to find their place in a world that seems to be increasingly chaotic. Almost everyone has some level of need to find their place in the world, to believe their life holds meaning and purpose.  Sometimes it appears that we are...

Angel Whispers –  Intuitive Wisdom


Intuition is a gift inherent with everyone, whether you call it instinct, sixth sense, empathy, understanding, or conscious reasoning. Some choose to improve the use of their intuitive skills by engaging in a practice or a process that enhances such a gift. Like any art form, practice improves the...

Angel Whispers –  Hormonal Intelligence

When the endocrine glands are compromised, the hormones can lose their ‘intelligence’. The result can be cravings, addictions, weight gain, negative thoughts, and destructive patterns that affect wellness. Once hormonal intelligence has been lost, extreme dietary changes, never-ending workouts, and just saying no to the desires might become more...