
Angel Whispers – Shaping


Donald Hoffman is a cognitive scientist and philosopher with a radical theory. In his book The Case Against Reality, time and space are not fundamental to the perception of reality. Our complex brains have simultaneously created a simplified version of life, along with shaping a projection of a complex...

Angel Whispers – Not Accepted

not accepted

I was hurting for another person when my protective nature charged into action. Witnessing the neglect and frustration motivated me to speak up for my partner. I lashed out with some hurtful language of my own and sent the text. I said something I didn’t really believe as a...

Angel Whispers – Making Amends

make amends

Making amends comes from a deep place of self-awareness. The first part of the process involves admitting you may have made a mistake. Few are willing own a mistake or go to such a vulnerable place. Everyone can experience making poor judgments to some degree. Say you blurted out...

Angel Whispers – Unfocused


“Why are they called buildings?” comedian Stephen Wright asks. “They should be called builts” (tee hee) The same type of inquiry can be directed at us. Why are we called human beings when few know how to be? Aren’t we conditioned to act as human doers? When we’re constantly...

Angel Whispers – Iceberg


Sigmund Freud created a psychoanalytical model composed of three distinct parts. The ego, the superego, and the id make up the Iceberg Model of the Mind. On the surface is the conscious mind, the ego, which steers the iceberg using the moral compass of the superego. Beneath the surface...

Angel Whispers – Drivers


Energetic drivers are formed before birth, in alignment with our mission on Earth. They compel us to live a life of purpose and meaning. Or they compel us to avoid that which is our destiny (tee hee). Although I’m kidding on some level, it is only slightly true. The...

Angel Whispers – Tranquility


This is one of those words that is challenging to define. For example, some might say tranquility is an environment free from noise, agitation, and violence. Calmness is a mental state of peace free from disturbance. It sounds like I’m describing relaxation, but peace and calmness can be found...

Angel Whispers – Complex


In psychoanalysis, complex is a group of emotions that are completely or partially repressed. Repression causes psychic conflict, leading to abnormal mental states or behavior. In mathematics, complex denotes numbers or quantities containing both real and imaginary parts. But I wanted to write about joy! (tee hee). We humans...