The Axiom of Causality is the proposition that everything in the universe has a cause, and is thus an effect of that cause. This means that if a given event occurs, then this is the result of a previous, related event. If an object is in a certain state, then it is in that state as a result of another object’s interacting with it previously.
According to William Whewell, the concept of causality depends on three axioms: Nothing takes place without a cause; the magnitude of an effect is proportional to the magnitude of its cause; to every action there is an equal and opposed reaction. This is starting to sound like karma (tee tee). But I believe the angels are whispering information on a universal law of attraction that might contain only one element of the laws of karma.
Some of us are trying to take full responsibility for our lives, while simultaneous hoping to avoid engaging in control energy. This is one area of life that I would like to more fully understand, so whisper on, my angelic partners, with a message on the Axiom of Causality:
Cause and effect is mostly an accurate concept, yet when attached to a universal law, it is being expressed as a structure. The existence of a divine matrix or structure is one way that humans can define God, Creation energy, or the highest power. Humans want to explain their existence and understand how life works, as a way to make sense out of their incarnation. More than a structured universe, you exist in waves of energy transmitted through a magnetic domain.
It is your interaction with these waves that helps to qualify your experience in terms of cause and effect. The ancient ones were not subjected to the same wave forms as you experience today. Energy took on a different form that held less of an apparent structure and allowed for a learning experience that was without the critical edge felt by many today. The mere instinct to survive superseded the need to understand any hypotheses of cause and effect, or any philosophy.
You have evolved as a species and are experiencing growth at an accelerated rate. It is time to understand and take full responsibility for your actions, for this is what will heal the planet and its occupants. For far too long, power and greed have corrupted the integrity of spirit and created dark energy on the planet. Some of you agreed to come to Earth to spread light, and the only way this will occur is to break down the old structures to build peace, love, and respect for every living being.
The Cosmic energy has a vibrational connection with humans, but is loosely structured to allow for the most creative solutions to modern problems. Take responsibility, but exchange the need to know for the peace that comes with letting go of any and all limitations. Intervention is a feature of the human domain, and does not exist in the divine dimensions. Present yourself to the world in the manner in which you want to be seen, by allowing your integrity of spirit to shine your brightest light.
Bring joy, ease suffering and create beauty, then dance like you mean it!
Blessings, Russell
“… the divine knowing – what the Father knows, and what the Word says in response to that knowing, and what the Spirit broods upon under the speaking of the Word – all that eternal intellectual activity isn't just daydreaming. It's the cause of everything that is. God doesn't find out about creation; he knows it into being."
― Robert Farrar Capon, Between Noon & Three: Romance, Law & the Outrage of Grace