Angel Whispers – A Future So Bright

Now that we are all settling into this new year, what does the future hold? The vibrations are being established at this very moment, along with your intentions, goals, and dreams for the best year ever! In order to tap into the Universal Laws of Attraction for this year and beyond, you might be served to spend some time daydreaming, journaling, meditating, reviewing, and establishing your best self on the path forward. The angels want to hear from you (tee tee)! So let’s jump into the whispers from spirit on the new energy of 2016:

This new year holds the energy of completion, so all those projects that you have begun are ripe with the energy to finally find fulfillment. Completions are endings that can include a focus on relationships, jobs, homes, health, and every aspect of life. Placing your energy toward completing anything that is held in your energy field can bring great blessings. With endings, there are always beginnings. Exciting new opportunities will manifest as you declutter your life, organize your passions, and create the most pure environment possible. 

Be cautious not to let the ego fill your mind with illusions around your creations. This is easily avoided by staying grounded and aligning your energies with the Earth. When the ego voice enters the mind space, you can simply use your spirituality to bypass the truth and outline the way your manifestations will appear. The ego can prevent you from being fully aware of the guidance, the vibrations, and the actions that will help to manifest your creative life.

You can avoid making determinations around how you will create if you focus more on the spiritual resolutions. For example, while focusing on your intended outcome, tune in to how you want to feel this year. How would you like for your relationships, projects, career, finances, and health to manifest? In this way, you avoid the trap of dictating the details. Instead, you leave the details to spirit, narrow your focus to the creation of vibrations, and release the control energy and limitations that come with thinking you have it all figured out.

This year will require careful discernment with all of your decisions. Refuse to commit to anything that is misaligned with your true self. Refuse to commit to anything absent of love or anything that holds the potential of a broken promise. Broken promises will slow down, alter, or block your manifestations. Don’t pledge yourself in a moment of exuberance. Take time to carefully make and honor your commitments.

Lastly, watch your thoughts. It is easy to have a negative thought; what is important is how you manage your thinking process. Don’t allow negativity to take up residence in the house of your soul, for you can create a self-fulfilling prophecy. Detach from negative thoughts as a way to increase your vibrations and lift your consciousness. Finish what you start and don’t allow anyone or anything to dim your light, shrink your energy, or pull you away from the essence of your true self. Taking these simple steps will create a year to look back on with the warm glow of satisfaction held in the energy of fulfillment. It’s a leap year, so take the leap of faith!  

Bring joy, ease suffering and create beauty, then dance like you mean it! 
Blessings, Russell

 “I hope that in this year to come, you make mistakes. Because if you are making mistakes, then you are making new things, trying new things, learning, living, pushing yourself, changing yourself, changing your world. You're doing things you've never done before, and more importantly, you're Doing Something.  Neil Gaiman

 Angel Whispers – A Future So Bright