Angel Whispers – Humor

We had our 12-year-old grandson over this week, so we put him to work in the garden. A teenage friend was with him, so they went as instructed to pick up soil from the garden center. I was working at the time, but I heard that our grandson stumbled when asked our name. That’s understandable because we have different last names, and he knows is as Poppa Russell and Granny Bec.

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Five of us piled in the truck at lunch and headed for our favorite burger joint. I took the opportunity to rib him a little. “I heard you weren’t sure of our name at the garden center?” Without missing a beat he replied, “No I didn’t, I know you’re Mr. Snortwater.” (tee hee) Everybody got a good belly laugh at my expense due to his quick wit and sense of humor. It immediately became clear I should have never used the neti pot in front of him last week!

When I consider the term sense of humor, I can’t help but think of the lines from the first Men in Black movie.

Beatrice: You here to make fun of me too?
Kay: No, ma’am. We at the FBI do not have a sense of humor we’re aware of.

And it’s true, some people don’t seem to have much of a sense of humor. Others’ humor can appear quite different from your own. That’s what I found interesting with my grandson. He found a way to make everyone laugh. But it appears I have a new nickname and I’m afraid it might stick! Let’s ask for some information that might stick on the subject of humor.

A vibration created out of humor is quite high. It is uplifting because of the way it evokes a response. The energy of creating and responding to humor moves upward. Such movement is similar to joy, happiness, contentment, and fulfillment.

Besides the energetic response, there is a physiological reaction. Laughter is an aerobic exercise involving contraction of facial and abdominal muscles. Breathing is interrupted by laughter, accelerating the exchange of air. The result is a boost in oxygen levels and increase in heart rate. Clearing occurs on many levels of the body, mind, and spirt through laughter. Some will laugh when experiencing an energetic release as a natural response.

The brain is stimulated by humor because it is called to interpret and explain what is being presented. Laughter is healing because it provides a natural release of tension and stress. The human immune system is strengthened through the activation at a cellular level connected to the release of endorphins.

Your inner self goes for a healthy jog every time you laugh. Make time for humor in your life. Seek it out and surround yourself with those who appreciate your sense of humor. Encourage them to share their humor through your willingness to enjoy a good laugh. Within the daily challenges of life, there are plenty of opportunities to find the humor in the absurd. Slow down and watch for those moments in the same way you seek to heal. Humor will help you fall in love with your life. Develop the sense as you would your intuition. Use laughter to connect with the angelic realm. It is one rare aspect of an experience that is unique to the human species.

Bring joy, ease suffering and create beauty, then dance like you mean it!
Blessings, Russell

“A day without sunshine is like, you know, night.”
Steve Martin


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 Angel Whispers – Humor