Angel Whispers – Numerology

According to Wikipedia, numerology is any belief in the divine, mystical relationship between a number and one or more coinciding events. Numerology places a value on the meaning of numbers as they relate to names, letters, events, and the future. The study of numbers has long been associated with the occult, the paranormal, astrology, and the mystical arts. I have been doing life-path readings using numerology lately (mainly because I was guided to…tee hee), and have found them to be accurate and extremely valuable to myself and my clients.

I often access the Akashic Records during an intuitive reading. The Akasha is the fabric that holds our Universe together, where there is an accounting of every action, deed, thought, and intention from every lifetime. It appears to me that there is a relationship between Universal record-keeping and the use of numbers to hold and drive data. The information from spirit seems to flow easily when using numbers as a focus point.

Pythagoras and other philosophers believed that because mathematical concepts were easier to regulate and classify than physical ones, they were more practical. The Church and the Roman Empire came out against numerology and astrology, so the practice of either activity became a civil violation and fell out of favor with authorities as an unapproved belief. This still holds true with many religious organizations, despite certain Biblical references that might support numerology. Let’s get a whisper on the subject of numerology:

The Universal language of love can be found in numbers. Similar to the binary code used in computer processors, every energetic footprint is assigned a numerical aspect that records every past, present, and future event, action, deed, thought, intention, communication, and lifetime. The accuracy with readings is simply the illumination that comes with discovering the truth. Numbers are the language of recorded events, here to provide a measure of understanding.

At the moment of one’s birth, each person draws a breath into the physical body and receives the first charge of life-force energy from the Earth dimensions. This precious moment is finalizing the template for the soul and returning a magnetic charge to the ether. Every life experience will have some relationship with the establishment of a life path at birth, centered on purpose, and some regard as to why this person has come to Earth. Each path will become illuminated by the combination of free will and destiny as a young master is born. 

An individual will experience resistance specific to the polarities created by the soul at the beginning of this new journey. Areas of resistance will serve to guide an individual toward their destiny, as an artifact of their free will. The numbers will not lie, and key aspects of life will attach to the thread of energy sent out into the Universe, as numerical specifications to the life-purpose blueprint. As the soul faces the challenges set out at birth, they have the opportunity to transcend life by going beyond the marker established at the beginning of the incarnation.
Live the life you were born to live, and your soul will experience growth, fulfillment, and the everlasting journey that experiences the meaning of love. 

Bring joy, ease suffering and create beauty, then dance like you mean it!
Blessings, Russell

“. . . we come astonishingly close to the mystical beliefs of Pythagoras and his followers who attempted to submit all of life to the sovereignty of numbers. Many of our psychologists, sociologists, economists and other latter-day cabalists will have numbers to tell them the truth or they will have nothing. . . . We must remember that Galileo merely said that the language of nature is written in mathematics. He did not say that everything is. And even the truth about nature need not be expressed in mathematics. For most of human history, the language of nature has been the language of myth and ritual. These forms, one might add, had the virtues of leaving nature unthreatened and of encouraging the belief that human beings are part of it. It hardly befits a people who stand ready to blow up the planet to praise themselves too vigorously for having found the true way to talk about nature.” 
― Neil Postman 

 Angel Whispers – Numerology